Year in Review - 2018

A summary of what happened in 2018
published: (updated: )
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
is part of: blog
blog personal

Summary: 2018 was a memorable year. For professional reason, as well as for personal reasons. I travelled a lot (mostly for academic conferences), I read a lot, I watched some good films and TV shows, and I also played some phenomenal video games.

Places Travelled

  • Vienna - Austria
  • Athens, Crete - Greece
  • Sofia - Bulgaria
  • London - United Kingdom
  • Amstertan - Netherlands
  • Budapest - Hungary
  • Prague - Czechia
  • Poznan - Poland
  • Brussels - Belgium
  • Monterey, San Jose, Tampa - USA
  • Luxembourg City - Luxembourg

Papers Published

This was a phenomenal year for paper publications. There were a total of 17 publications (that's a lot!), with the following breakdown -

  • Journal: 1 (first author)
  • Conference: 4 (3 first author, 1 co-author)
  • Workshop: 9 (6 first author, 3 co-author)
  • Poster: 3 (3 first author)

The full list of publications can be read at -

Notable Events

  • I participated as part of Team Lexparency (comprised of the awesome Martin Heimsoth and myself) for the EU Datathon 2018 wherein we won the first prize in Challenge 2 - Legal.
  • My poster won the Best Poster award at the Workshop on Ontology Design Pattersn (WOP) at ISWC 2018.

Books Read

I read a total of 69 books, which is the most I have read in any year of my life. I tried to diversify the reading by including more variety in terms of topics and non-fiction. I've kept a record of the books I read on Goodreads, with the ones I read in 2018 at link.


My plans for 2019 are nothing extravagant.

  • I want to read 100 books this year.
  • I want to watch more movies, at least 4 each month in the cinema.
  • I want to play more indie games.
  • I want to get back to creative writing - and to try and publish something I've already written.
  • I want to get back into photography.
  • I'm going to learn Italian this year.
  • Academically: I'm going to write and finish my thesis this year. I'm going to try and submit 2 journal papers, 4 conference papers, and have all my past publications as open access in a native web format.