Wonderful Friendship

How wonderful friendships are
published: (updated: )
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
friendship poem

Of what taste is bitterness, for one with no friends;
The heart is full of wilderness, alone till the ends;
Of what taste is joy, but empty and shallow;
It is but a ploy, that friends make life hallow;

Try opening your heart to one, and you will be set free;
Or the heart shall be undone, like dead wood on a tree;
Try a taste of friendship, I’m sure you won’t regret;
It is quite splendid, it is of equals, no one is in debt;

Look into the eyes, and see them look at you;
The reflection is a prize, the heart set and true;
Look inside their soul, look how much they love you;
Share your mind and your goal, breath in a zeal new;

Let me tell you of me, who wishes and wants more;
I have but friends three, to the sky they make me soar;
Let me tell you what I feel, true memories from my heart;
When happiness is but real, a mesmerising work of art;

The streets do not feel the same, with true friends
One does not wish for empty fame, when souls are bound;
What adventures are to be had, in the presence of a company;
One does not ever feel sad, when a caring heart will accompany;

A breath of fresh air, the winds always blow this way;
All troubles are without care, we wish forever to stay;
A blissful state of mind, we all do our part;
Truthful and kind, friends never stay apart;

When mornings are fresh, and the nights are cold;
When pain goes beyond flesh, the heart grows old;
A symphony for the soul, music to sparkle all life;
Friends play a magical role, even in the afterlife;

Of little lights that twinkle, in the dark of the night;
Of dew in a sprinkle, the fog wrapped around tight;
To just dip my toes, into the wet grass on ground;
Watch how time slows, when love is all around.

A thousand sounds, buzzing in the air;
A few ups and downs, life is never fair;
But it pleases the heart, to never be alone;
Never to stay apart, a promise cast in stone;

Of all the stars in the sky, and all fireflies that glow;
Of all the birds that fly, to all the trees that grow;
From earth to the horizon, and back into the sea;
I wish to one day wizen, with friends besides me.