Setting up notifications via Telegram

Automating notification of new appointments through the Telegram app
published: (updated: )
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
is part of: GNIB Appointments
automation GNIB python visa web-dev

This post details how the GNIB/VISA appointment utility was developed to display appointments on the website as well as how this was extended to create a Telegram bot to get notifications on all platforms. This can be roughly partitioned into three parts - efficient retrieval of appointments data, storing them into the database, building the bot for notifications

Retrieving notifications using async

This describes the approach to the code in

Getting the json response and the appointment dates is pretty easy based on the scripts, however, to do this efficiently requires some thought. Since there are a lot of requests here, executing them in parallel is the best way to go about it. Threads are one way, but they are expensive to manage and run. Since python now features asynchronous co-routines, these are the best candidates for the task. The basic idea is, by declaring the part as a co-routine, it will be run with other co-routines in a time efficient manner. The system will intermittently check if the responses have returned results, and if not, will execute other code in the interim. This allows many tasks that are waiting to be run in parallel. Based on this, our basic model is:

async def task(url):

async def download_urls():
    urls = [ ... ]
    completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(
        [task(url) for url in urls])
    results = [task.result() for task in completed]
    return results

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This gets an event loop which is like a thread that keeps tracks of co-routines and their results and will download all urls in asynchronous fashion, which makes them appear as if they are executing in parallel. That's one way of doing this. Another is to wait on the actual download instead of the function where the download is happening. This is done as:

async def fetch(url, params):
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url, params) as response:
            data = await response.text()
            return data

The important bit is to breakdown the task into components that can be run in parallel and then to call them as separate functions. In the case here, if all urls to be downloaded were within one function, then it cannot be run in parallel as each url will be wait to be downloaded as the previous one hasn't been completed. Instead, if these are called in separate statements as part of a function, then they can be run as separate function calls in parallel, or in this case as async-await calls.

Database models

To persist the appointments, some form of storage is required. In earlier iterations, I simply saved them in memory, or wrote them to a file. However, for per-minute appointments, it isn't feasible, and some form of a database system is better. I already use PostgreSQL for my website, and Redis for a job queue. So I used both in this case for the purposes of storing appointments.

The first time the appointments are retrieved, they are stored in Redis (key-value) so that other jobs and processes can immediately see the result. This allows the website to display the latest updates while other jobs are processed in the background. Storing stuff in redis is pretty simple, you simply set the value of a key, and that is it. To make things easier, the data is stored and retrieved as JSON. Retrieving it is simple as well.

 gnib_appointments = {
        'gnib_Study_New': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Study_New')),
        'gnib_Study_Renewal': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Study_Renewal')),
        'gnib_Work_New': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Work_New')),
        'gnib_Work_Renewal': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Work_Renewal')),
        'gnib_Other_New': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Other_New')),
        'gnib_Other_Renewal': json.loads(kvstore.get('gnib_Other_Renewal')),
        'visa_I': json.loads(kvstore.get('visa_I')),
        'visa_F': json.loads(kvstore.get('visa_F')),
        'last_update': kvstore.get('gnib_last_run'),

For longer persistence, the appointments are stored to the PostgreSQL database as instance of the GNIBAppointment and VisaAppointment classes.

class GNIBAppointment(AppointmentSlot):
    '''GNIB Appointment'''
    CATEGORY_STUDY = 'Study'
    CATEGORY_WORK = 'Work'
    CATEGORY_OTHER = 'Other'
        (CATEGORY_STUDY, 'GNIB Study Appointment'),
        (CATEGORY_WORK, 'GNIB Work Appointment'),
        (CATEGORY_OTHER, 'GNIB Other Appointment'),
        (CATEGORY_TYPE_NEW, 'GNIB New Appointment'),
        (CATEGORY_TYPE_RENEWAL, 'GNIB Renewal Appointment'),

    category = models.CharField(
        max_length=8, db_index=True, choices=CATEGORIES)
    category_type = models.CharField(
        max_length=8, db_index=True, choices=CATEGORY_TYPES)

class VisaAppointment(AppointmentSlot):
    '''Visa Appointment'''
        (CATEGORY_INDIVIDUAL, 'Visa Individual Appointment'),
        (CATEGORY_FAMILY, 'Visa Family Appointment'),

    category = models.CharField(
        max_length=8, db_index=True, choices=CATEGORIES)

To keep the responses, all appointment data retrieved from the servers is stored in to the database as well.

class APIResponse(models.Model):
    '''Stores raw JSON response from GNIB API'''
    added_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    json = JSONField()

Telegram Bot

This describes code in

Telegram makes it super simple to build bots. You get an API key and then you interact with your bot by passing the key as part of your request. Then you register your message handlers, and keep checking for messages every once in a while. I used the python telegram bot library to interact with Telegram. Their documentation was easy to pick up on, and the bot itself is straightforward to start with. Additionally, it features a job queue so I can add jobs as well.

updater = Updater(token=TELEGRAM_API_KEY)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start, pass_job_queue=True))

Telegram makes it so that bots can only respond to conversations that have already been started by someone. To store the data, I persist a chat in a database model along with notification preferences such as date filters for GNIB and Visa appointments.

This describes code for database models

class TelegramUser(models.Model):
    '''Telegram User
    This is the user that interacts with the bot.
    chat_id = models.CharField(max_length=64, db_index=True, primary_key=True)
    appointment_gnib = models.CharField(
        max_length=64, db_index=True, choices=GNIB_APPOINTMENT_TYPES,
        blank=True, null=True)
    gnib_filter_date_start = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
    gnib_filter_date_end = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
    appointment_visa = models.CharField(
        max_length=64, db_index=True, choices=VISA_APPOINTMENT_TYPES,
        blank=True, null=True)
    visa_filter_date_start = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
    visa_filter_date_end = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)

To actually send the notifications, after each retrieval, it's a simple database call;

Code in

async def job():
    # retrieve added appointment for every type from database
    gnib_appointments = {
    visa_appointments = {
    last_update = kvstore.get('gnib_last_run')

    # retrieve users that want notifications for this appointment type
    for type, available in gnib_appointments.items():
        if available:
            users = retrieve_users_for_gnib_appointments(type, available)
                await send_notification_to_users(users, 'gnib', type, last_update)
            except Exception as E:
                logger.error(E, exc_info=True)
    for type, available in visa_appointments.items():
        if available:
            users = retrieve_users_for_visa_appointments(type, available)
            await send_notification_to_users(users, 'visa', type, last_update)

To set this up as a process, I use supervisor and start this as a separate worker process with django's management commands.

# ./  gnib_telegram_bot
from import run
class Command(BaseCommand):
    def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):