

  1. code optimisation - 1 posts
  2. Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - 13 posts
  3. GNIB Appointments - 10 posts
  4. - 4 posts
  5. HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files - 4 posts
  6. klip - Kindle Annotations - 2 posts
  7. news aggregator - 1 posts
  8. printing notifications - 1 posts
  9. Rants - 1 posts
  10. Semantic Web - 7 posts
  11. System - 1 posts
  12. Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App - 4 posts
  13. web development - 3 posts


  1. System setup - EndeavourOS/Arch
    apps Arch Linux Linux system
    project: System
    Describing system migration to Arch
  2. Modelling Public/Private Locations in DPV
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Modelling public and private places for DPV locations
  3. Modelling Inverse Locations in DPV
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Notes analysing inverse location concepts for use with DPV
  4. Modelling AI Training in DPV
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Notes analysing AI training concepts for use with DPV
  5. Modelling Subjective Locations in DPV
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Notes analysing subjective location concepts for use with DPV
  6. Moving from GitHub Pages to Hetzner and Caddy with Analytics
    analytics back-end DPVCG front-end server web-dev website
    Moving websites from GitHub pages to a Hetzner server with Caddy
  7. Adding ISO 3166-2 subvisions to LOC in DPV 2.1-dev
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Adding ISO 3166-2 subdivisions to DPV's LOC extension
  8. Adding EU/EEA jurisdiction extensions to DPV 2.1-dev
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Adding extensions for each EU/EEA member in legal extensions for DPV 2.1-dev
  9. Old Website Update Ideas hosting website
    Transcribing old notes regarding developing features for
  10. W3C IRC meeting logs guide
    DPVCG meeting w3c
    project: web development
    short guide for using W3C irc to create meeting logs
  11. Notes on reuse of EU Vocabularies for DPV
    DPV DPVCG EUVoc semantic-web standard
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Notes on reusing EU Vocabularies for/with DPV (legal) concepts
  12. Add ISO standards to tech-org measures
    DPV DPVCG ISO semantic-web standard
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Proposal for linking Standards to DPV concepts and using them as TOMs
  13. Proposal for updating Consent concepts
    consent DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Fixing issues, and enabling specific concepts in different jurisdictions
  14. DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis Part 2
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Refining DPV's expression in OWL and SKOS using ConceptScheme
  15. DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Analysing options for expressing DPV as a SKOS vocabulary
  16. pdf2slideshow: Convert your PDFs to HTML Slideshows
    presentation web-dev
    project: web development
    Creating a nifty script to convert PDF into HTML slideshow
  17. Accessing IEEE 7000 standard is hostile to User
    ethics standardisation
    project: Rants
    Frustrating and annoying experience in trying to read a free standards document
  18. DPV v1 Checklist
    checklist DPV DPVCG
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Items and their progress towards the first stable release of DPV
  19. dpv-x 2021-08-15
    DPV DPVCG semantic-web
    project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
    Some ideas for extending and improving DPV and documentation
  20. RDF Website Generator hosting website
    How gets generated from RDF metadata
  21. Moving from AWS EC2 to Lightsail hosting website
    A short post describing moving the website to Lightsail
  22. Appointment notifications using Telegram app
    GNIB notifications Telegram visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    A how-to for signing up to receive appointment notifications for GNIB and VISA appointments
  23. Setting up notifications via Telegram
    automation GNIB python visa web-dev
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Automating notification of new appointments through the Telegram app
  24. Analysing GNIB appointment app survey responses
    GNIB survey visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Gathering requirements and making decisions based on the survey of 59 participants
  25. Documenting ontologies using Widoco
    documentation ontologies semantic-web
    project: Semantic Web
    Widoco is a nifty utility to document OWL2 vocabularies
  26. Setting up Pubby
    ontologies semantic-web web-dev
    project: Semantic Web
    Using pubby to expose resources in a dataset
  27. Setting up Openlink Virtuoso
    database semantic-web triple-store
    project: Semantic Web
    Setting up Virtuoso as a triple-store and serving with Nginx
  28. Setting up Fuseki
    database ontologies semantic-web triple-store
    project: Semantic Web
    Getting Apache Fuseki up and running with minimal configuration
  29. RDF/OWL content-negotiation using NGINX
    content-negotiation semantic-web web-dev
    project: Semantic Web
    Performing content-negotiation for RDF and OWL types with Nginx
  30. Tools for Semantic Web
    database ontologies programming semantic-web web-dev
    project: Semantic Web
    A (WIP) list of tools and utilities for working with Semantic Web
  31. Primer on Semantic Web Ontologies
    ontologies semantic-web
    project: Semantic Web
    A short description for RDF,RDFS, and OWL and their serialisation formats
  32. Notification when printing *actually* completes
    automation bash script
    project: printing notifications
    a script to notify when the printer actually finishes the printing job
  33. nested for loops
    optimization programming
    project: code optimisation
    resolve nested for loops by preventing repeated iterations
  34. Inheriting klip
    kindle python
    project: klip - Kindle Annotations
    Inheriting the klip project, cleaning it up, and documenting it
  35. previous project - kindle annotations
    automation kindle python regex
    project: klip - Kindle Annotations
    The previous project of parsing kindle annotations
  36. Setting up a Facebook bot to respond with available GNIB/VISA appointments
    automation Facebook GNIB visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Facebook bot that responds to messages with appointments
  37. Chrome extension for loading/saving form data
    browser GNIB visa web-dev
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Using a chrome extension to automatically populate GNIB forms
  38. Retrieving Visa appointments
    GNIB reverse-engineering visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Retrieving visa appointments similar to GNIB appointments
  39. Heroku app to view GNIB appointments
    GNIB server visa web-dev
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Using a free heroku app to easily view GNIB appointments
  40. Getting appointments using python
    GNIB python script visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Retrieving GNIB appointments using python
  41. Getting appointments using bash
    bash GNIB python script
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Retrieving GNIB appointments using a bash scripr
  42. Reverse engineering an easy way to check GNIB appointments
    GNIB reverse-engineering visa
    project: GNIB Appointments
    Using reverse engineering to easily pull appointments from the GNIB website
  43. Full Stack Website Guide
    back-end front-end server web-dev website
    project: web development
    An overview of everything that goes into making a full stack website
  44. checking if time difference between stations are the same
    automation python script trains
    project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
    checking if the time differences between each train run and station is the same
  45. handling special cases
    automation python script trains
    project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
    handling some of the special cases in the train schedule
  46. populating train schedule
    automation python script trains
    project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
    Populating the train schedule and directions
  47. designing data models for trains, timings, and station
    automation python script trains
    project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
    A model for updating train timetables
  48. give & take lists
    movies social
    project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
    comparing movies with friends
  49. imdbnator - like this, but classier
    code movies
    project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
    Found a website that already does something similar to HDD-indexer
  50. HDD-indexer v0.1
    movies web-dev
    project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
    First implementation
  51. Choosing the right framework
    movies web-dev
    project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
    choosing the right framework for implementation
  52. Repetition in News Aggregator
    machine-learning news
    project: news aggregator
    service that organises news from different sources by topic