- code optimisation - 1 posts
- Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - 13 posts
- GNIB Appointments - 10 posts
- - 4 posts
- HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files - 4 posts
- klip - Kindle Annotations - 2 posts
- news aggregator - 1 posts
- printing notifications - 1 posts
- Rants - 1 posts
- Semantic Web - 7 posts
- System - 1 posts
- Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App - 4 posts
- web development - 3 posts
- System setup - EndeavourOS/Arch
apps Arch Linux Linux system
project: System
Describing system migration to Arch - Modelling Public/Private Locations in DPV
DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Modelling public and private places for DPV locations - Modelling Inverse Locations in DPV
DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Notes analysing inverse location concepts for use with DPV - Modelling AI Training in DPV
DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Notes analysing AI training concepts for use with DPV - Modelling Subjective Locations in DPV
DPV DPVCG semantic-web Working Note
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Notes analysing subjective location concepts for use with DPV - Moving from GitHub Pages to Hetzner and Caddy with Analytics
analytics back-end DPVCG front-end server web-dev website
Moving websites from GitHub pages to a Hetzner server with Caddy - Adding ISO 3166-2 subvisions to LOC in DPV 2.1-dev
DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Adding ISO 3166-2 subdivisions to DPV's LOC extension - Adding EU/EEA jurisdiction extensions to DPV 2.1-dev
DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Adding extensions for each EU/EEA member in legal extensions for DPV 2.1-dev - Old Website Update Ideas hosting website
Transcribing old notes regarding developing features for - W3C IRC meeting logs guide
DPVCG meeting w3c
project: web development
short guide for using W3C irc to create meeting logs - Notes on reuse of EU Vocabularies for DPV
DPV DPVCG EUVoc semantic-web standard
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Notes on reusing EU Vocabularies for/with DPV (legal) concepts - Add ISO standards to tech-org measures
DPV DPVCG ISO semantic-web standard
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Proposal for linking Standards to DPV concepts and using them as TOMs - Proposal for updating Consent concepts
consent DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Fixing issues, and enabling specific concepts in different jurisdictions - DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis Part 2
DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Refining DPV's expression in OWL and SKOS using ConceptScheme - DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis
DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Analysing options for expressing DPV as a SKOS vocabulary - pdf2slideshow: Convert your PDFs to HTML Slideshows
presentation web-dev
project: web development
Creating a nifty script to convert PDF into HTML slideshow - Accessing IEEE 7000 standard is hostile to User
ethics standardisation
project: Rants
Frustrating and annoying experience in trying to read a free standards document - DPV v1 Checklist
checklist DPV DPVCG
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Items and their progress towards the first stable release of DPV - dpv-x 2021-08-15
DPV DPVCG semantic-web
project: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
Some ideas for extending and improving DPV and documentation - RDF Website Generator hosting website
How gets generated from RDF metadata - Moving from AWS EC2 to Lightsail hosting website
A short post describing moving the website to Lightsail - Appointment notifications using Telegram app
GNIB notifications Telegram visa
project: GNIB Appointments
A how-to for signing up to receive appointment notifications for GNIB and VISA appointments - Setting up notifications via Telegram
automation GNIB python visa web-dev
project: GNIB Appointments
Automating notification of new appointments through the Telegram app - Analysing GNIB appointment app survey responses
GNIB survey visa
project: GNIB Appointments
Gathering requirements and making decisions based on the survey of 59 participants - Documenting ontologies using Widoco
documentation ontologies semantic-web
project: Semantic Web
Widoco is a nifty utility to document OWL2 vocabularies - Setting up Pubby
ontologies semantic-web web-dev
project: Semantic Web
Using pubby to expose resources in a dataset - Setting up Openlink Virtuoso
database semantic-web triple-store
project: Semantic Web
Setting up Virtuoso as a triple-store and serving with Nginx - Setting up Fuseki
database ontologies semantic-web triple-store
project: Semantic Web
Getting Apache Fuseki up and running with minimal configuration - RDF/OWL content-negotiation using NGINX
content-negotiation semantic-web web-dev
project: Semantic Web
Performing content-negotiation for RDF and OWL types with Nginx - Tools for Semantic Web
database ontologies programming semantic-web web-dev
project: Semantic Web
A (WIP) list of tools and utilities for working with Semantic Web - Primer on Semantic Web Ontologies
ontologies semantic-web
project: Semantic Web
A short description for RDF,RDFS, and OWL and their serialisation formats - Notification when printing *actually* completes
automation bash script
project: printing notifications
a script to notify when the printer actually finishes the printing job - nested for loops
optimization programming
project: code optimisation
resolve nested for loops by preventing repeated iterations - Inheriting klip
kindle python
project: klip - Kindle Annotations
Inheriting the klip project, cleaning it up, and documenting it - previous project - kindle annotations
automation kindle python regex
project: klip - Kindle Annotations
The previous project of parsing kindle annotations - Setting up a Facebook bot to respond with available GNIB/VISA appointments
automation Facebook GNIB visa
project: GNIB Appointments
Facebook bot that responds to messages with appointments - Chrome extension for loading/saving form data
browser GNIB visa web-dev
project: GNIB Appointments
Using a chrome extension to automatically populate GNIB forms - Retrieving Visa appointments
GNIB reverse-engineering visa
project: GNIB Appointments
Retrieving visa appointments similar to GNIB appointments - Heroku app to view GNIB appointments
GNIB server visa web-dev
project: GNIB Appointments
Using a free heroku app to easily view GNIB appointments - Getting appointments using python
GNIB python script visa
project: GNIB Appointments
Retrieving GNIB appointments using python - Getting appointments using bash
bash GNIB python script
project: GNIB Appointments
Retrieving GNIB appointments using a bash scripr - Reverse engineering an easy way to check GNIB appointments
GNIB reverse-engineering visa
project: GNIB Appointments
Using reverse engineering to easily pull appointments from the GNIB website - Full Stack Website Guide
back-end front-end server web-dev website
project: web development
An overview of everything that goes into making a full stack website - checking if time difference between stations are the same
automation python script trains
project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
checking if the time differences between each train run and station is the same - handling special cases
automation python script trains
project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
handling some of the special cases in the train schedule - populating train schedule
automation python script trains
project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
Populating the train schedule and directions - designing data models for trains, timings, and station
automation python script trains
project: Pune-Lonavala Train Schedule App
A model for updating train timetables - give & take lists
movies social
project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
comparing movies with friends - imdbnator - like this, but classier
code movies
project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
Found a website that already does something similar to HDD-indexer - HDD-indexer v0.1
movies web-dev
project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
First implementation - Choosing the right framework
movies web-dev
project: HDD Indexer - sharing movies & files
choosing the right framework for implementation - Repetition in News Aggregator
machine-learning news
project: news aggregator
service that organises news from different sources by topic