Old Website Update Ideas
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
is part of: harshp.com
harshp.com hosting website

Dev blog
Maps to current /dev section.
- tempaltes
- code highlight
- font
- layout
- guides and tutorials
- subsections
- resources
- discussions
- my-stack
- projects
Maps to current /blog section.
- movies
- reviews
- lists
- posts / discussions / thoughts
- humour
- rants
- productivity
Maps to current /hobbies section.
- books
- movies
- tv series
- games
- tea
- coffee
- photography
- writing
- stories
- poems
- can be a static collection of objects, should be usable in other sections
Does not map to any current sections. I use Gnu Cash to manage finances instead of using a custom developed finance transaction database and visualisation dashboard.
- include transactions in budget or exclude
- granular control - select which budgets to include or exclude
- loans / debts as part of expenses, loan money to person, list all money owed or due
- finance page / blog
- category-wise spending
- tag-wise spending
- any possibility of data exploration tools to view/use here
- predicted transactions - add future predicted transactions and show them on finance dashboard
Does not map to any current sections. Brainbank was supposed to be a collection of ideas that hadn't been fully explored or did not have any implementations. Some of these have gone into /dev section as posts.
- project description page
- posts for project
Maps to current /research section.
- links to publications
- link to past research
- describe research interests
- blog for research topics
Maps to current /me section.
- brief info
- talk about interesting stuff
- likes/dislikes
- favourites
- memories
Does not map to any current sections. LifeX was "life experiments" - a periodical undertaking where I would choose an activity for a week or a month and then report on my experience about it. For example, to learn about different types of clouds that form in the sky, or to cook ramen, or try a new coffee shop, or try out different productivity techniques.
- archive previous records
- food places
- pubs
- photography
- movies I want to watch
- books I want to read
- my desk
- productivity
For each experiment post there will be a corresponding experiment idea which will have tags and links to similar experiments, outcomes, and whether I want to try it again.
Does not map to any current sections. This is a search feature over the website.
- search page with options and parameters
- suggestions
- on bottom of every page
- feedback page