The Private Lives of Trees


  • book_id: 908,
  • book_owned_medium: 📚physical,
  • book_read_medium: 📚physical,
  • book_status: read,
  • date_book_read:
  • type: RenderedItem,,
  • aggregatedRating: 😁good (4/5),
  • author: Alejandro Zambra,
  • dateCreated:
  • genre: fiction,
  • name: The Private Lives of Trees,
  • review: A short book (novella) that chronicles a slice of life in the day of a father putting his step-daughter to sleep while awaiting for his wife to return. The stream of consciousness style narration of events that run within this time frame are nothing significant or worthy of theatre, but instead reflect the thoughts and simple-minded awareness that each of us has when we unknowlingly think of our past and what it has led to in our present. An easy to miss style of writing that is poignant that doesn't rely on hidden meanings.,
  • url:,

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