Poor Things



  • book_id: 940,
  • book_owned_medium: 📚physical,
  • book_read_medium: 📚physical,
  • book_status: read,
  • date_book_read:
  • type: RenderedItem, https://schema.org/Book,
  • aggregatedRating: 😍awesome (5/5),
  • author: Alasdair Gray,
  • dateCreated:
  • genre: fiction, sci-fi,
  • name: Poor Things,
  • review: I saw the movie first - it was spectacular. Stunning visuals, splendid acting, good screenplay, and the story had enough elements of science and fantasy to intrigue the mind. So I decided to read the book - thinking it would be a mere expanded version of the film - so I will be reading the same story but in more detail. Turns out the book is quite different from the film. The broader story is the same - but in the book there is an important question at the end ... What actually happened!? Really enjoyed the writing, the illustrations, the way in which Bell Baxter learns about the world and provides a medium for the author to present expose of religion, politics, society, feminism, and so much more. And the question at the end - What actually happened!? was nice too.,
  • url: https://harshp.com/hobbies/books/940,

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