Absolution Gap



  • book_id: 961,
  • book_owned_medium: đź“šphysical,
  • book_read_medium: đź“šphysical,
  • book_status: read,
  • date_book_read:
  • type: RenderedItem, https://schema.org/Book,
  • aggregatedRating: 🙂okay (3/5),
  • author: Alastair Reynolds,
  • dateCreated:
  • genre: fiction, sci-fi,
  • name: Absolution Gap,
  • review: Book 3 was a slight improvement over Book 2 which disappointed because there were not much details. Book 3 had some, but I didn't like the whole quasi-religious thing which was too long and too prolonged. There were also several deus-ex machina moments where we are expected to go - oh yes sure that just happened - and continue pretending that we're not going to revisit or question that. I'm talking in particular about the whole Hades matrix and weird alient stuff that the characters just don't bother going back to even though it literally gives them species saving technologies. Perhaps, these didn't need to be three separate books (Books 2 to 4) but could have been condensed down into to 1 or maybe even 2 smaller books? Feels like a lot of filler which doesn't have all that details and excitement which the first book did. Since I've got Book 4, let's see whether it ends on a high or a disappointment.,
  • url: https://harshp.com/hobbies/books/961,

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