How to speak so that people want to listen
Gist of a very handy TED talk for speaking
published: (updated: )
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
presentation speaking
published: (updated: )
by Harshvardhan J. Pandit
presentation speaking
7 deadly sins of speaking
things we need to avoid
- gossip: speaking ill of someone who is not present
- judging
- negativity
- complaining: viral misery
- excuses
- emroidery, exaggeration: lying
- dogmatism: confusion of facts with opinions
HAIL - 4 powerful cornerstones for speech
HAIL: to greet or acclaim enthusiastically
H - honesty (be true and straight in what you say) A - Authenticity (being yourself, standing in your own truth) I - Integrity (be your word, doing what you say) L - Love (not romantic love, wishing people well)
voice is a toolbox
very few people open their voice as a toolbox
- register (e.g. falsetto; talking from the noise or throat or chest - where the weight is) we associate depth with power and authority
- timbre (how the voice feels) we prefer voice that feels rich
- prosody (sing-song, meta-language) speaking in one note, or varying
- pace (fast or slow) towards the end is silence to emphasise
- pitch (higher or lower)
- volume (louder is more excited) quiet can make people pay attention
6 vocal exercises to warm up your voice
- give a deep sign to warm the lips with your arms up
- say bo (emphasis on the ending)
- say brrrrr (with the r rolling on the tongue)
- say la la la la (exaggerate tongue)
- say r (roll the r)
- say seeeaawww (high and low and high along each sound change)