A Solid Use Case To Empower And Protect Data Subjects
working draft
✍ Michiel Fierens* , Harshvardhan J. Pandit , Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux , Kimberly García
Description: Investigating GDPR compliance in decentralised data storage and management through an interdisciplinary lens applied to Solid
under review published version 🔓open-access archives: harshp.com , SSRN
Abstract: Decentralised data governance has emerged as an alternative model in response to the challenges of managing data and privacy in conventional centralised models. ‘Personal Data Stores’ (PDS) are at the forefront of this movement and provide forms of control over storage and management of data to the individual with the goal of empowering them. In this article, we argue how PDS, while being important technological innovations, are challenging to implement in the current regulatory landscape as the interpretation of responsibilities under the GDPR is woefully inadequate for decentralised systems. This represents a challenge to the decentralisation movement and makes it difficult to empower and protect individuals under the GDPR (data subjects) using PDS. A thorough understanding of the technological and legal situation and therefore an interdisciplinary approach is essential to make policymakers aware of any efforts that still need to be made to realise the decentralisation paradigm’s goal. We therefore build upon research investigating GDPR compliance in decentralised data storage and management but do so through an interdisciplinary lens applied to an emerging application, Solid, that provides technical specifications for implementing it as the leading PDS implementation. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, we consider the interaction between the legal definitions from the GDPR and the implications of established case law with Solid’s technical specifications and its possible implementations. We conclude with recommendations regarding the division of responsibilities for policymakers, authorities, market participants and technical developers to simultaneously protect and empower those involved in the use of PDS, particularly through Solid. Furthermore, the role of decentralised systems such as Solid is discussed, as well as the current unclear regulatory landscape surrounding it in the context of implementing the Data Governance Act (DGA). The implications for further AI development and within data spaces are also considered.
Keywords: Decentralisation, Personal Data Stores, Solid, GDPR compliance, Empowerment and Data Protection.
The conventional model that emerged with the proliferation and ubiquity of the internet consists of a centralised data governance structure where organisations collect, store, use, and share increasing amounts of personal data from individuals data within a single opaque technical infrastructure to provide services and to further their own interests. In response to this, decentralisation has emerged as an alternative governance solution. Power through, for example, forms of control and decision-making is thereby spread across a network of participants rather than relying on a single central authority. The best-known initial example of decentralising power was peer-to-peer (P2P) which was a network for sharing files and information, most famously used by Napster in 1999 and led to the creation of BitTorrent and other decentralised internet-based protocols in 2001.[1] Since that time, decentralised services have emerged in various models and modalities – such as for syncing files across devices, using ‘cloud’ servers to process information, and recently in Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology.[2] Following that development and taking into account the GDPR’s focus on an individual’s ability to exercise a form of control over their personal data processing, legal scholars also began to focus on the benefits of ‘Personal Information Management Systems’ (PIMS) or ‘Personal Data Stores’ (PDS) as technologies meant to provide individuals with access control [3] and transparency over their personal data. Processing data across multiple storage locations, managed by individuals, is thereby considered an alternative to the current context of centralised data processing.[4] Even the European Commission recognised the importance of PIMS and PDS in its recent Data Strategy[5], and in the creation of regulations such as the Data Governance Act (DGA)[6] and Data Act[7] which take into account decentralisation to manage control over information, and to provide the individual with an easier way of managing this control through roles such as ‘data intermediaries’ and responsibilities to support individuals in decision making regarding their data – such as regarding consent.
Although PIMS and PDS represent important technological innovations, we argue that the legal landscape in the European Union (notably GDPR and its division of responsibilities) is insufficiently equipped to follow the evolving decentralisation paradigm. The legal landscape has a significant impact on the functioning of PDS services function within the market and on their societal and individual effects. For example, only those actors who have a clear comprehension of their responsibilities as either a controller or processor under the GDPR are able to put in place necessary processes and safeguards and indicate to the data subjects what responsibilities they should expect from such services. Only with such transparency and accountability can data subjects using PDS be simultaneously protected and empowered – otherwise there will be neither protection nor empowerment as responsibilities remain unclear both legally and in implementations. A thorough understanding of the technological and legal situation is thus essential to make policymakers aware of the efforts that still need to be made to evolve the interpretation of regulations such as the GDPR towards decentralised and individual-empowering paradigms.[8]
In this article we address the challenge of a decentralised system to practically implement the GDPR and empower individuals by focusing on the leading PDS solution – called Social Linked Data (Solid). We choose Solid in particular as it is the only PDS that has a sufficiently advanced technical specification and has been deployed in practice by both government and industry actors, and enjoys significant attention in academic research. Moreover, the data are stored in a format following the principles of Linked Data[9] that applications using data understand, and so that the context, business logic and implicit assumptions around the data are immediately clear. This facilitates the extraction of value and knowledge. In this context, the concept of Solid can also be seen to play a role within the overarching narrative of data spaces. It could be argued that the Solid technical specifications serve a role within the context of data spaces, defining the decentralised manner in which data is stored and accessed with forms of control for data providers. In this respect, the Solid technical specifications may be seen as a foundation for the technical development of data spaces. Although there is no universally accepted definition of a data space, it can be most accurately described as an environment, delineated by a governance framework and underlying technical infrastructure, that adheres to specific design principles. The objective is to facilitate secure and reliable data transactions between organisations that are participating in that particular data space.[10]
By investigating Solid, our arguments also provide knowledge and direction to other PDS implementations regarding how to approach and implement the concepts and requirements from the GDPR. To assist the reader in understanding Solid, we first introduce Solid and its different configurations within Section II which highlights the novelty of Solid in implementing PDS using ‘linked data’ to store, manage access, and authorise applications as compared to other PDS approaches that are limited to applications on individuals' devices that store and process data. In addition, in line with the vision of Tim Berners-Lee[11], we also interpret the use of PDS and Solid implementations with existing cloud infrastructures (as defined by NIST)[12] to better understand and interpret how the underlying technical systems will be provisioned and used, and as a result how the GDPR should be interpreted and applied to these. Through this, we offer clarity regarding implication of GDPR’s obligations and rights for users and organisations, and more importantly enable enforcement agencies and policymakers to better understand how they can investigate uses of Solid or similar PDS technologies and to provide timely guidelines regarding the division of responsibilities in such decentralised ecosystems in order to optimally protect and empower data subjects using PDS.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section II introduces Solid and the key adoptions of its technical specifications. Section III elaborates on the determination of controllers as per GDPR and established case law. In Section IV we interpret Solid’s technical specifications and implementations for GDPR, and present in Section V the analysis for determining controllership. In Section VI we discuss the implications of this work on the use of PDS in line of recent regulations – namely the Data Governance Act (DGA) and the development of AI. Finally, Section VII discusses the practical implications of our findings and concludes the article by providing recommendations for policymakers and researchers in the field.
Solid and key adoptions of Solid specifications
While PDS represent a broad conceptual framework for how decentralised systems can facilitate individual control and management over personal data, we focus specifically on the Solid Project, led by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, that uses the PDS paradigm to realise its goal of empowering users regarding their personal data.[13] Solid is a set of open technical specifications currently being worked on within the W3C[14] for implementing a personal data store called a ’Pod’ that stores the personal data, and uses access control mechanisms through which users can control who (e.g. applications) can access which data (e.g. a file at a specific path). Moreover, the data are stored in a format following the principles of Linked Data[9] that applications understand. In this respect, Solid aims at decoupling the abundance of centralised data, applications and identities on the Web and standardise (e.g., via shared ontologies, vocabularies, or schemas) the interactions between those decoupled elements.[15] This decoupling is consistent with the observation that modern data-driven supply chains are increasingly comprised of services provided in a modular fashion.[16]
Our choice of using Solid as the exemplar PDS in a legal analysis is based on the following reasons: First, it is one of the few PDS technologies that have been developed and have already been put on the market (see Fig.1). Second, it consists of commercial and research variations, both involving prominent and high-profile researchers. Third, it is the first PDS to have been provided to citizens by a government (namely the Flemish Government’s Athumi project).[17] Fourth, apart from PDS technologies focusing on the user, Solid aims to transform the current style of data governance and application interoperability to one based on Web Standards to automate governance using machine-readable information.

Determination of Controllers under GDPR
GDPR Art. 4 (7) defines a ’controller’ as an actor who alone or jointly with others (as ’joint controllers’, GDPR Art. 26 (1)), determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, and can be any legal persons such as commercial actors and public authorities, or even natural persons. Actors which meet these criteria assume the role of controller(s), and are accountable for ensuring and demonstrating compliance with the GDPR (GDPR Art. 5 (2)). Analogous to this role are ’processors’ (GDPR Art. 4 (8)), who process personal data under the instruction of controllers. The concepts of ”controller” and ”processor” are functional and autonomous concepts that assign responsibilities according to their factual roles in use-cases and are interpreted according to EU data protection law.[23] Since how such roles are determined forms one of the key criteria for establishing accountabilities and liabilities in GDPR investigations, we first establish a ’boundary criteria’ based on existing case law and doctrine related to “determining” the ”purpose” and ”means” of processing through which controllers are defined under the GDPR.
Before delving deeper into the qualification of an actor as a controller, it is necessary to understand the implications of this role as the controller bears the greatest degree of responsibility. Controllers must demonstrate compliance with the principles relating to processing of personal data (e.g., deciding on the lawful bases of the processing) (GDPR Art. 5 and 6), they must inform data subjects as well as (re)act on the exercise of data subjects’ rights (GDPR Art. 12-23). Likewise, controllers need to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures (GDPR Art. 24), maintain a record of the processing activities (GDPR Art. 30), notify authorities and data subjects when a data breach occurs (GDPR Art. 33 and 34), and perform data protection impact assessments when processing may pose high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons (GDPR Art. 35). When multiple controllers qualify together as joint controllers, they need to determine their respective responsibilities under the GDPR, especially regarding transparency and the exercise of data subject rights (GDPR Art. 26). Determining who acts as a controller within the Solid ecosystem is thus important for the allocation of multiple responsibilities under the GDPR, hence ensuring a high level of data protection (protecting data subjects using PDS).
The definition of ‘controller’ in GDPR is based on three elements: “determine,” “purposes” and “means” (GDPR Art. 4 (7)).[23] These elements have been further clarified in case law over the years, albeit always in a specific context. We apply these elements in the discussion that follows at a more abstract level as ‘boundary criteria’, always keeping in mind that the specific context at stake may lead to other elements playing a decisive role. ’Determining influence’ over purposes and means is approached functionally and refers primarily to the factual influence a controller has over the processing.[24, 25, 26, 27] Controllers need not process the data or even have access to it or knowledge that data is being processed to bring about this de facto influence. [19, 20, 21, 28, 29] The decision on the purpose of processing concerns the ‘why’ of the processing.[19, 21] The controller determines to what end a certain processing operation takes place.[18] Under article 5(1)(b), these purposes must be “explicit (sufficiently unambiguous), specified (sufficiently defined) and legitimate (compliant with the law)”, and the data may not be processed in a way incompatible with the purpose.[8, 30] The means of the processing consist of the ‘how’ and are conducted via decisions by the controller on the essential means of the processing.[18] While controllers determine the essential means linked to the purpose and scope of the processing, both controllers and processors can determine the non-essential means. Essential means include determining which type of data and more specifically which categories of data will be processed to achieve a certain purpose; who has access to the data for that purpose; for how long the data is processed; how and where data is stored; and what security measures are needed depending on the specific context to achieve a certain purpose in line with the obligations under the GDPR.[18] These mainly refer to the concrete ability of actors to protect the personal data of data subjects and take (preventive) actions against possible breaches.[31] Further, a broad discretion to undertake other processing activities (creating derived data and manipulating the data) can be considered selecting the means to process data.[32] The non-essential means can be decided by either the controller or the processor and relate to the more practical implementation aspects of processing, thus complementing the essential means.[33]
Different actors can potentially qualify individually as controllers or together as joint controllers based on their involvement in determining specific aspects of processing. For joint controllers, obligations are carried out by all actors that jointly determine the purpose and means of processing, which do not need to be divided equally[18] and can be based on prior established arrangements.[18, 21] The joint controller relationship may be close, with all aspects concerning the determination of goals and means being shared equally (complementary decisions), or loose, with only one or even part of one element being shared (converging decision).[18] Further, decisions of all actors should be necessary for the processing in a way that has tangible consequences for determining the purposes and means of the processing. In other words, the processing would not be possible without the participation of each party, the processing of each party is thereby inextricably linked.[18].
The notion of (joint) controllership has been broadened in case law, including previous cases where actors were established as controllers without giving written instructions to another actor but based solely on their factual influence on the processing.[20] Joint compliance with certain policies of another actor also led to a qualification of joint controllership in this respect, although it is not necessary for the determination of purposes and means that written guidelines are available.[34] The combination of an increasingly complex supply chain and the provision of services in a modular manner with regard to data processing has given rise to questions as to whether having an economic interest [35] or a particular role within the ’chain of processing’ [36][37] is sufficient to jointly determine the purpose of processing. However, a mere commercial advantage is not enough. However, a mere commercial advantage is not enough.[18] Similarly, regarding the provision of certain ‘means’ (e.g., platforms, standardised tools, and infrastructure), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that actors jointly determine means by using technology of another actor to process data, when the technology provider also processes data through that technology to pursue its own (business) interests.[23, 24, 38, 39] Further, the selection or configuration of technologies that influences the processing of data can also lead to joint controllership.[23, 40] However, the influence exerted must relate to the processing of personal data itself and not just be a prior step (e.g. if an actor determines parameters of a particular application during its development).[41] Where the provider of a certain technology makes the technology available without further influence on how the technology and settings were used for the concrete processing activities, the provider qualifies as a processor.[42, 43] The problem with this interpretation is that cloud service providers today are sometimes the only ones with the technical expertise required to use the technology (e.g. the way data is collected, handled and transmitted).[44] The fact that they are able to protect personal data and take action against potential breaches as well as impose proprietary data retention policies to customers using their technology, may also play a role in this regard.[27] Regulatory frameworks that impose obligations on certain technology providers regarding the management of certain technical resources or means may also be an indication of their factual influence in that regard. Yet, such distinctions remain a fine line in practice which become clearer slowly through case law and DPA decisions. For example, the French DPA CNIL established that Discord, a chat software provider offering customers the opportunity to set up and manage their own server based on their implementation of the software, was still subject to obligations as a controller.[45]
In summary, the qualification of controllers and joint controllers depends on the determination of purposes and essential means by exercising factual (not formal) influence on the type of data being processed, on who has access to data and for how long and so on.[46] Likewise, the ability to use technical settings to exercise influence on the way data is processed, for example by using a particular technology to pursue specific (self) interests during the processing may lead to qualification as a controller. However, the ever more complex supply chain regarding data processing means that more and more several parties exert factual influence or pursue their own interests via the use of a particular technology.
Solid as per GDPR’s Definition of Processing
Solid is a set of technical specifications that has as its main objective to decouple applications from the data they use as well as from the identification solutions they provide. Solid adds a layer, so to speak, to the existing Web with standard authentication and authorisation as well as standardised data sharing. Users are thereby also offered means to manage their own data in Pods - which is a decentralised storage system comparable to hosting their own web server. Solid Pods enable users to decide who has access to the data through a permissions-based ‘access control’ system. This mechanism enables the construction of ‘Web applications’ that request authorisation to access, modify, or utilize the data stored within the Solid Pod. As Solid Pods are implemented over the internet, they also have servers and providers as the underlying technologies and actors. As Solid Pods are implemented over the internet, they also have servers and providers as the underlying technologies and actors. In order to gain a deeper understanding of how Solid specifications and Pods are implemented and to align their use with the concepts set out in GDPR, we draw upon recent work that establishes interpreting Solid as a form of 'cloud technology' (in accordance with the definitions set out by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)).[12,47] This approach enables us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the GDPR[48] and to apply existing guidance regarding the utilisation of cloud-based services under the GDPR.[49] Based on these, we present our analysis in several parts, as visually illustrated in Figure 2, pertaining to infrastructure and data storage within Pods, using data within Pods, and transfers of data outside Pods.

Actors within the Solid Ecosystem
Solid itself is a set of specifications that must be implemented and can involve multiple actors for the provision of resources associated with storage, identity, web domains, etc. While the Solid specifications do not formally describe all the roles defined below [50], we use them based on prior work to provide a consistent terminology aligned with existing cloud technologies that can be interpreted for GDPR.[48] These roles are:
A Provider is an actor that makes resources available (e.g., Data Provider, Infrastructure Provider, ...).
A Pod Provider is a specific “Provider” that is responsible for providing the ‘Pod’ i.e. as a decentralised data storage service, either directly or through an intermediary actor.
A Data Subject is the natural person who is the subject of the personal data (GDPR Art. 4 (1)) stored within the Solid Pod.
A Pod User is an actor that uses a Pod and can be different from the Data Subject. Unless otherwise stated, however, the hypothesis is that the Pod User is also the Data Subject as we focus on the scenarios involving data subjects using their own Solid Pods.
A Third Party refers to an actor in the sense of GDPR Art. 4 (10) i.e. where it is not the controller or processor or data subject in the context of a Solid Pod.
An Application is a system representing an actor that reads, writes, erases, or performs other processing operations on data in the Pod, most commonly for the purpose of offering a specific service to the Pod User.
By interpreting these roles with cloud technology provision methods (e.g. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), we gain a better understanding of the capabilities and control available to each actor. For example, Pod Providers have the capacity to affect processing operations through controlled resources (in the form of decentralised data storage services such as by using immutable data storage or the imposition of operational restrictions) even if they do not manage access control over the data in the Pod. Therefore, for Solid Pods, it is also essential to understand who controls the resources since these are separate from the Pod User’s access controls (so-called permissions according to the technical specifications). In these, an important distinction is how the Solid specification allows for multiple roles of Data Subjects, Pod Users and Pod Providers for the same Pod, depending on the factual situation. A Data Subject can be the Pod User and Provider at the same time, e.g., an individual implementing the Solid specifications on their own server to create decentralised data storage for themselves. A Data Subject might also be the Pod User but not the Provider of the Pod, e.g., where a Pod has been provided to the customer by their bank (as Pod Provider) for storing statements. Similarly, a Data Subject might be neither the Pod User nor the Pod Provider if only their personal data is stored in it, but they are not given access or any form of access control over such data. This is the case, for example, if an organisation stores the data subject’s personal data in a Pod without providing them control over it or restricting the control they have over it (e.g. they can only ‘read’ data). In this list of actors, we have not included ‘agent’ which is a technical concept defined within the Solid specifications and represents software acting as an automated or virtual agent, because such actors cannot assume legal roles under law. We therefore consider agents to be associated with or acting on behalf of one of the actors listed here.
Limits of the current permission-based system to manage data in the Pod
Solid specifications[51] provide Pod Users with the ability to set permissions which determine which actors such as Applications have the capability to read, write (and modify), or erase data within the Pod. Even though Pod Users can grant permissions to other actors, the Solid specifications do not yet provide the ability to associate such permissions with a ’purpose’ to specify ’why’ the data is being read, written, or modified. Though the concept ’Access Need’[52] is provided with permissions to describe why some data is required by an actor seeking access to certain data in the Pod, it does not cover the spectrum of all operations beyond reading, writing, and modifying data within a Pod. Therefore, from a purely technical perspective, it is not possible on the one hand, as a Pod User, to express for what purposes certain data can be processed. On the other hand, it is also not possible for an actor such as an Application to express why it wants to process personal data within a Pod. The permissions are too broad for this. In that regard, ex post auditing or investigating whether data was used for those purposes is less enlightening at the moment. Consequently, given the current situation, there must be some other mechanism (outside the Pod), such as a contract, consent agreement or privacy policy, that provides information on the purpose and legal basis of the activities. Given Solid's emphasis on existing Web standards, this information can be provided in an interoperable manner (following Linked Data principles) by extending the existing protocols – though no such approach exists at the moment. From a GDPR perspective, these mechanisms which determine control over data are thus important indications in helping determine who the controller ultimately is by looking closely at how these mechanisms support the ‘determination’ and ‘means’ of ‘purposes’.
Infrastructure of Pods following existing cloud-models
Following existing well-established models for provisioning cloud technologies, we extrapolate similar models for providers of Solid Pods and associated resources where actors have varying degrees of freedom to control the resources.[45] For example, a Pod can be obtained from an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider[53] where Pod Users are responsible for installation and management of software to operate the Pod (in this case the Data Subject can be the Pod User as well as Pod Provider). Similarly, when a Pod is obtained from Platform as a Service (PaaS), the Pod User is still responsible for installation and management of applications. Lastly, Software as a Service (SaaS) implies that Pod Users have lesser freedoms to manage underlying resources - which are instead managed by the Pod Provider to provide convenience of use. Access to the service is often possible via the internet in this respect.[54] For example, similar to accessing the BBC iPlayer via the internet or via an application, BBC (UK) has announced provisioning Pods to store their service-related data where the BBC remains the Pod Provider and the Pod Users (data subjects) are provided with access control over the data through Solid’s permissions system.[55] Similar to the case of Discord as set out in Section III, however, Inrupt here provides infrastructure software[56] that allows BBC to set up and manage their own Pod server based on their implementation of that software. In this case, under GDPR interpretations, Inrupt may also have certain obligations as a controller or joint controller towards the Pod User if they are effectively so qualified because the concrete context shows, for example though unlikely, where they sufficiently control how the technical means are utilised to manage access to the data and specify or restrict how the data can be processed - in other words, that they have a say in determining the purposes and essential means of processing (this interpretation follows the recent interpretation by the CJEU regarding technical specifications determining the role of controller.[57]
Following the criteria established regarding processing means and purposes in Section III, the specifics of how a Pod is provisioned, who has control over which resources, and who manages the operations over data are important considerations for identifying controllers. Cloud providers often shift responsibilities to their business users in existing agreements. In reality, however, it can be argued that cloud providers in practice can also exercise significant control over the purposes and essential means of processing.[31] Therefore, depending on the situation at stake, they may also bear responsibilities and qualify as a controller or joint controller together with the user of the cloud service. In case the user of a cloud service is a Data Subject, the existing models of cloud providers, consisting of IaaS and PaaS providers, typically have processor agreements with their users. On the other hand, SaaS providers which have direct control over their resources typically have agreements as a controller and assume the GDPR obligations arising from that role. In the case where Data Subjects themselves set up their Pod and thus only rely on an IaaS or a PaaS, this leads to interesting questions regarding the ability of Data Subjects to have a say in determining the purposes and means of processing for various processing operations. Furthermore, given the emphasis placed on data sovereignty and forms of control over subsequent data usage in Data Spaces, this question becomes increasingly tangible and relevant.
Data Storage in Solid Pods
For data to be stored within Pods, the data must come from a source (e.g., the Data Subjects themselves can upload a file, a Data Provider can send a file to the Pod, or an Application or Pod Provider can write data to the Pod). Further, this data can be a copy of existing data (i.e., transferred to the Pod), it can be newly provided or generated data, or even data inferred from existing data.
However, with regard to the processing operation "storage", several situations can arise that have an impact on the qualification as a controller. When a Data Provider writes and thus stores data into a Pod, it is not (alone) in a position to determine the purpose of and means for further processing of this data in the Pod. That is, party A may upload something and intend party B to read it for a well-defined purpose, but instead party B ends up reading it for a different purpose and a controller to controller relationship arises. Moreover, the Data Provider may use techniques such as obfuscation or encryption that limit or prohibits subsequent use of the data by other actors. From a GDPR perspective, ‘storage of personal data’ is a processing operation, and therefore the determination and means of storing data are also relevant for assuming the role of a controller. Therefore, in Solid pods, along with understanding capability of actors regarding adding or modifying data, it is also important to consider the factual impact of these actions in permitting or prohibiting other actors from using that data.
Using Data in Solid Pods
Data stored in Pods can be accessed by authorised actors as defined by the permission mechanism. To do this, the Solid specification requires requests to be made via HTTP using WebID - a web domain-based form of identifier. Authorised actors can then read, write (capacity to modify existing data or infer new data to be stored in the Pod), or delete the data in a Pod, depending on the operations permitted by the permission mechanism. These operations correspond to several processing categories as defined in GDPR Art. 4 (2) such as collect, obtain, retrieve, transfer or use (read), erase, modify, or store (write and erase). Notably absent from this list are operations regarding derived, inferred, or other transformations over data, which are essential to understand whether an actor is only reading existing data or also deriving and thus storing new data - and if it is within its remit as a controller or processor. In other words, essential to determine whether an actor determines the purposes and means of processing and thus has the capacity and obligation to protect Data Subjects using PDS. However, the granularity of operations in the Solid specification, specifically read and write, is currently too broad for interpreting GDPR’s requirements accurately. Similarly, the concept of ‘access’ and ‘read/write’ in Solid is far too vague for interpreting implications of GDPR when the data is being transformed (e.g. in another format or structure) or is being stored in an encrypted form that can only be correctly understood by a particular actor. In such cases, though the data resides within the Pod, only the particular actor who knows its structure or can decrypt it can utilise it. Thus, though Pod Users can control the permission for using data, in reality a large amount of control is still possibly retained by Applications regarding the processing of data in a Solid Pod.
Data Use, Sharing, and Transfers outside Solid Pods
The Solid specification is restricted to considerations only regarding the access and storage of data within a Pod. However, there can be several instances where data is used, transferred, shared, or otherwise exists outside the Pod. For example, an actor may read data from the Pod and keep a copy on its own servers. Copying data outside the Pod may in the future even be required to meet, for example, legal (e.g., in the public sector) or contractual requirements. Data existing outside the Pod possibly relates to two conditions - first where an actor provides data outside the Pod for storage within the Pod, and second where the actor such as an Application is copying data or even inferring new data outside the Pod and may or may not store it externally. The current Solid specifications do not define the concept of ’data source’ or provide a way to track provenance of data as it is added, copied, or removed from the Pod. The permissions only represent the ability to read, write, or modify data within the Pod without providing any obligation or capabilities for expressing or controlling activities outside the Pod. This means that a Pod User’s control over data as expressed through Solid’s permissions is limited only to processing taking place within the Pod.
The specific limitation of considering operations only within the Pod and the lack of control over external data leads to potential loopholes. For example, an Application can obtain data from the Pod, generate additional data based on it, delete the obtained data, and still retain the additional generated data without violating any of the Solid’s currently provided permissions. This has important implications for GDPR, as the role of Solid as a technical specification does not cover all potential processing sufficiently and necessitates separation of processing of data within and outside a Pod. Nevertheless, the question of whether there is a copy of the data outside the Pod, who controls said data, and to what ends it is used, are important considerations regarding the determination of controllership under the GDPR and consequently also considering the simultaneously empowering and protecting Data Subjects using PDS. Encapsulating a “trust envelope” in the data, which describes additional context such as history and destiny of the data, can be a first step towards a solution. Indeed, data is stored in Pods through the use of data models (such as RDF) to add semantics to those data. Data is thereby encoded in an overarching design that makes searching, understanding and using data from Pods easier. The interrelationships between data in a dataset thereby become understandable to computers. Consequently, so does the meaning of the data. Using such an envelope can create mutual trust between the provider and user of the data and has an impact on data leaving Solid Pods.[58]
Identifying Controllers within the Solid Ecosystem
Based on the legal and technical analysis of Solid, we now present our arguments regarding the identification of controllership for actors within use-cases associated with the Solid ecosystem. Where Pods contain personal data, different actors in the ecosystem could qualify as (joint) controllers or processors based on the broad interpretations of personal data[59, 60, 61, 62], as well as processing and controllers (as shown above). In addition, through the potential merging of personal and non-personal data in a Solid Pod, the entire data can be considered personal data where they are inextricably [63] linked to a Data Subject through the Pod. Even different Pods can be linked to the same Data Subject via their associated identifier (e.g., webID) which potentially qualifies the data in all those Pods as an interconnected set of personal data too.
Control over the Processing
Based on Figure 2, we examine below which actor for each possible processing operation in the Solid ecosystem (collection, storage, use/deletion/sharing) could potentially qualify as a controller or processor by following the current legal doctrine and case law. Although case law is always context-specific, we look at the general criteria established in such case law and seek parallels with the Solid ecosystem with the aim of formulating a preliminary legal analysis. As mentioned before, we draw on existing work that establishes the terminology and relevance of GDPR by considering Solid as a cloud technology. The actors involved in the ecosystem should qualify as a (joint) controller or processor within the meaning of GDPR in such a way that sufficient data protection compliance is ensured in practice. Only in this way can Solid be effective in simultaneously protecting and empowering Data Subjects and provide incentives to establish a market economy based on legal certainty. Too much fragmented responsibility can lead to ambiguities that are exploited, causing actors to take insufficient measures to ensure data protection and Data Subject’s rights.
As shown above, Solid’s role as a set of technical specifications does not adequately cover all possible processing operations, which makes it necessary to separate the processing of data within a Pod from that which may occur outside the Pod. From a GDPR perspective, whether a copy of the data exists outside the Pod, who has control over it and for what purposes it is used are nevertheless important considerations regarding responsibilities. However, full disclosure compels us to add that the analysis below does not consider such situations where an actor keeps a particular copy of the data in its own storage systems and further processes that data for its own purposes as this already has interpretations for GDPR. In our view, Pod Providers and Pod Users have no possibility to determine the means, let alone the purposes, of further processing performed on this data in those situations. Therefore, an actor who transfers, copies, or stores personal data elsewhere for their own purposes is considered a controller for these processing activities. Keeping this in mind, the situation of using, sharing, and transferring data outside Solid pods will not be further analysed for identifying controllers within the Solid ecosystem.
Initial collection of Data into the Pod
Prior to managing personal data in a Pod, personal data must be collected or generated by an actor to be subsequently stored in the Pod (see Figure 2). This could be the Data Subject or a Pod User manually uploading data, or a Data Provider, Third Party or an Application writing it to the Pod. When an actor writes data into a Pod, it is not solely in a position to determine the purpose of and means for further processing operations of that data in the Pod. However, the actor can be seen as a controller for the processing operation of collecting data into the Pod.
Mechanisms such as use of undocumented formats, schemas, encryption, or obfuscation techniques can be used by the actor to limit or prohibit the further access and (re-)use of that data by other actors. Further, actors such as Applications may store operational data required to provide services within the Pod, and thus have legitimate reasons to limit further access to that data. It should therefore be considered that actors who employ such limitation methods are independently determining the purposes and means of further processing by retaining the ability to use that data whilst prohibiting others from doing the same.[18] Therefore, in such cases the actor with factual control over the ability to make effective use of that data should be considered the controller for further processing operations. However, it is important to note that as of now the Solid specifications do not provide a way to classify or categorise such data as being functionally separate from the other data stored in the Pod.[51]
Such practices, however, run directly counter to Solid’s goals of providing data storage with access control to individuals. They additionally prevent the reuse of data by other actors, thereby limiting its interoperability and the value of the data. While the controller responsibilities can be a deterrent for actors to not write data into the Pod in an impeding way, interoperability obligations may also play a role here if the data is meant to be provided to the Data Subject as part of right to data portability (GDPR Art. 20) where data must be provided in a format that allows reuse.[64] The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party even clarified in this regard that not only the use of an interoperable data format is important, but also the additional use of sufficient metadata to preserve the meaning of the information exchanged.[64] Interoperability obligations may potentially be tightened in the future in additional legislation[65] as they are part of the European Union’s broader objective of encouraging interoperable and modular data sharing. In doing so, the EU also seeks to control data-related services that are now vertically integrated in the current market and thus could be provided in a more interoperable and modular way (e.g. artificial intelligence and analytics in the Digital Markets Act). The Data Act also provides provisions to allow switching between interoperable cloud services. Similarly, organisations that provide Solid Pods or establish a data-sharing ecosystem based on Solid Pods, such as the Athumi (Flemish data utility company), may begin to exclude providers from the ecosystem when they identify such practices.
Without such clarity in data management within a Solid Pod, the usefulness of Pods towards achieving its stated goals of empowering individuals cannot be achieved as the effective control of data remains with the Applications. The situation may end up becoming similar to how smartphones – which are considered personal devices as the individuals own them – have several applications but whose data cannot be accessed nor used by the individuals who own the device and operate it. Under GDPR, such smartphone device manufacturers [ref] and applications [ref] may be considered controllers when they have effective de-facto control over the data and use it for their own purposes even where such data is stored on systems owned by the data subject. Similarly, we posit that for Solid, Applications which have similar control over the management of data also qualify for being controllers regardless of whether the user can or cannot access and manage the same data.
Storage of Data in the Pod
To determine the purposes and means of processing for the way data is stored, it is necessary to first understand the implementation of storage within a Pod – for example, restrictions on what the Pod Users can and cannot do regarding the Pod and data within a Pod similar to cloud service models such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
A Pod Provider purchasing infrastructure services often determines the data accessibility, length of conservation as well as the operating, updating, and configuring of the leased computer resources for e.g., security.[21,66, 71] Still, an Infrastructure Provider can impose specific storage or retrieval limitations. The question then is to what extent this impacts the means of processing and if it is sufficient to qualify as a joint controller with the Pod Provider for the processing operation of storage. The concrete ability of an Infrastructure Provider to protect the personal data of Data Subjects and take (preventive) actions against possible breaches might point towards a determination of the essential means. An indication here may also be power asymmetries and the question of the extent to which the contractual terms between the two actors can be freely determined (implying that the Infrastructure Provider has more power than reflected in the contract and goes beyond simply implementing the essential means identified by the Pod Provider).[67, 31] Authorities (such as DPA’s in the EU) should keep an eye on these contractual terms in the future. They may even publish guidelines for drafting such terms, just as recommendations for the use of cloud services by the public sector have been published in the past. Further, the Infrastructure Provider can process data such as for telemetry without the Pod Provider’s knowledge, which makes the Infrastructure Provider the controller for processing of telemetry data.[49]
Furthermore, a similar reasoning can apply to a Pod Provider who purchases platform services (for example in the form of an operating system) in addition to infrastructure, but is restricted by the conditions of the platform regarding the way in which data can be stored. Depending on the concrete impact of such conditions, it will become clear whether or not the platform has a factual influence on the processing methods.[49, 67, 68] In the past, case law in this regard has indicated that jointly determining the purposes and means of processing can even be done without written guidelines or instructions from another actor, as organisational influence is sufficient[25], as is compliance with certain policies of another actor.[34]
Current broad interpretations of the concept of joint controller hinder the predictability of the precise responsibilities in a Solid ecosystem and ultimately complicate the effective implementation of the GDPR in favour of privacy-enhancing technologies such as Solid Pods. On the one hand, platforms having factual influences on the processing’s purposes and means may take advantage of such ambiguities and pass on their obligations to other actors through, for example, external arrangements. On the other hand, the broad interpretation regarding controllership that emerged in previous case law in order to protect and empower Data Subjects can paradoxically have the opposite effect. For example, broad interpretations of controllership combined with some form of control over the storage of data in a Pod for Data Subjects through permission mechanisms, may in some cases even suggest that Data Subjects also have a say in determining the purposes and means of processing (storage) with that data. In that respect, the use of Solid Pods may have far-reaching implications for Data Subjects as additional obligations under the GDPR can deter Data Subjects from using or deploying their own Pod.
Specifically in IaaS and PaaS situations[69], where the Data Subject (as a Pod User and a Pod Provider at the same time) purchases or rents cloud infrastructure or a certain platform, that Data Subject manages the technical functionalities of operating a Pod (the concrete software) itself. The question does arise whether the Data Subject can become the controller for the storage operation of their data within a Pod.[70] In such cases, since the Data Subject as a hypothetical controller would be storing only their own data, we believe this question remains without broader consequences as we would consider the Data Subject to know best how to store their own data. The question becomes more interesting if the Pod also contains information about their friends or family where it is unclear how the GDPR should apply and who should be the controller to protect the data protection rights of those friends and family. It is not clear who is then responsible for concretely striking a balance between those different interests, let alone how this can then be done. Regulation can help, as can taking into account the interests of those friends and family involved. In that regard, the concept of data intermediary, introduced under the Data Governance Act, provides an interesting avenue for further research into reconciling different interests in such contexts.[6] Depending on the specifics of a situation, the GDPR’s household exemption for processing personal data in a purely personal or household setting could apply (GDPR Art. 2 (2) (c)), meaning the Data Subject is exempt from the obligations of being a controller. Two conditions must be fulfilled for the household exemption to apply. Firstly, the dissemination of the data needs to be restricted.[71, 72] Secondly, the processing of the data needs to stay within the private setting.[71, 73, 74, 75] The household exemption is not applicable whenever a Data Subject would carry out commercial, political or charitable activities (which can be interpreted broadly).[76] In our view, whenever a Data Subject (as a Pod User as well as a Pod Provider) stores data in the Pod for purely personal use and does not share the data to an indefinite number of people, the household exemption should apply.[77]
Or to consider this in an alternative form, the GDPR enables data subjects to avoid the responsibilities of a controller where they process their own data by providing a ‘household exemption’ – but in such cases if the Data Subject engages a processor then how should the resulting relationship between data subject-controller and processor be interpreted and what obligations should be fulfilled by whom is an unanswered question. This has an important bearing on the cases where Data Subjects manage their own Pods and where they may engage a processor to provide additional resources (storage space, compute capacity) or utilise Applications to manage their data (e.g. create a local search index). In such cases, a pragmatic outcome would be that the Data Subjects are not additionally burdened with the role of a controller, yet are nevertheless afforded protection under the GDPR with regard to the manner in which processors interact with their data.
Where Data Subjects as Pod Users receive a Pod maintained by a Pod Provider (in this case a separate actor providing a consumer-oriented product and thus SaaS situation) [66, 68, 78], they have little or no influence on the technical processes by which data is accessed, processed and transmitted, and which sub-processors were engaged.[46] The Pod Provider implements the Solid specification entirely as it sees fit and independently of the Pod User. The Pod Provider in this case qualifies as the controller. However, where Pod Providers use technologies from Third Parties to implement or supplement implementations of the Solid specifications[18], these Third Parties may also have an impact on the purposes and means of the processing.[66] For example, software used by the Pod Provider to manage storage or identity. The current broad interpretation of the term joint controller may even lead to the Pod Provider being classified as a joint controller with those Third Parties. In theory, controllers such as the Pod Providers, should always be involved in choosing the Third Parties that will process the data, e.g. by defining it in external arrangements, therefore determining the purposes and essential means of processing.[79] In practice, however, this is not always the case and there may be power asymmetries again exploiting the ambiguities in the broad case law regarding controllership. Although the actual capacity to determine purposes and means then lies with one actor, the associated responsibilities are often shifted to the party with the least bargaining power as explained under Section IV. Competent authorities should therefore also seek to publish guidelines for the emerging technologies of identity providers and other relevant resources, just as they have done in the past for the use of cloud technology.[46] In this way, it becomes clear to Data Subjects who the direct point of contact is (transparency) and the principle of accountability can be ensured. The division of responsibilities then also ideally follows the actual situation of actual influence.
Using Data in Solid Pods
As already mentioned above, Solid’s permissions enable Pod Users to selectively control which data can be accessed by which actor and for which operation (read, write, modify, delete - see Figure 2). In this respect, it is important to note that the Solid specification does not currently provide the ability to express or record ’why’ the actor requested or has access nor ’why’ the Pod User decided to provide it, whereas GDPR in its article 13 and 30 expects records to be maintained with purposes and legal bases. While Solid specifications do provide a limited description to be associated with permissions, termed ‘Access Need’, it does not suffice the legal requirements regarding clarity or specificity of a purpose or a legal basis.[45] Mechanisms such as notices and consent can be managed externally (e.g., by Third parties as pointed out already) to meet GDPR’s requirements. However, since they are not a part of the specification, we do not assume their existence as a given since Solid specifications do not refer to them.
If Pod Users can determine via permissions who can process data in the Pod, the question also arises whether the Pod User (assuming that he is also the Data Subject) can be regarded as determining the purpose and means for the processing of his personal data within the Pod. In our opinion, Solid’s permissions are not sufficient to regard a Pod User as a controller or joint controller for the processing operations related to the ‘use’ of data. Currently, when a Pod User gains insight into the specific purpose of the processing, the Pod User can only decide on granting access or not, and likewise cannot counter-propose to these purposes. However, Solid is marketed under the clear motto of Pod Users having so-called “control” over the further processing operations of their data. As a result, the contractual situation may again differ from the actual situation, potentially shifting responsibilities under the GDPR. Combined with the current broad interpretation of the concept of (joint) controller, questions about possible implications of a hypothetical situation in which a Pod User (as a Data Subject) qualifies as a (joint) controller will increasingly arise.[80] In theory, a further evolution of Solid’s permissions could, for example, allow Pod Users to select and limit the specific purposes their data may be processed by actors. This could, given the broad interpretation of the concept of (joint) controller, lead to situations where actors such as Applications must depend on the Pod User to manage and provide data. In these situations, the question may arise whether a certain form of responsibility should be shared if it is limited, and whether the household exemption is compatible with such situations. Nevertheless, such implications would be contrary to the intention of the GDPR and its protection of the Data Subject against the processing of personal data that affects the exercise of fundamental rights.
Lastly, we also briefly discuss the situation in which actors using data in the Pod, such as Applications, are not regarded as the sole controllers for the further processing operations. Similar to Pod Providers using Third Parties’ implementations, Applications can also jointly determine the purposes and means of the processing with other actors such as Infrastructure, Platform or Pod Providers. As already mentioned above, such actors might still exert a factual influence on the purposes and means of certain processing operations happening within a Pod. The concrete ability of actors to protect the personal data of data subjects and to take (preventive) measures against possible data breaches plays a role. An indication of this, for example, is the situation where certain Applications are not allowed on the Platform of the Provider or where Platform or Pod Providers make use of a technology of a Third Party and adjust the associated settings of that technology in such a way that their own interests can be pursued (e.g., via a Facebook like-button in Fashion ID). Moreover, practical implementations might require Pod Providers to set up a processing layer that performs aggregation or querying operations over the data in a Pod to supply the Application with just the data it needs. In this way, Pod Providers could also exert a factual influence on the essential means of processing and qualify as controllers since they then determine in what way and what data the Application gets to see. Again, we mention here that the current broad jurisprudence regarding controllership allows for ambiguities in situations with dispersed responsibilities. Ultimately, responsibilities are then shifted to other actors which does not always reflect reality in terms of actual impact on processing. Data Subjects using PDS are then not empowered and protected at the same time.
Further implications for Data Governance Act (DGA) and development of AI and Data Spaces
In light of the uncertainties and challenges associated with the use of Solid Pods in accordance with the GDPR, it seems prudent to extend similar inquiries to other forthcoming regulations and developments that may impact the utilisation of Solid Pods. In order to achieve this, we have selected the Data Governance Act (DGA)[6], which establishes a legal framework for the reuse of personal data and non-personal data. It is currently being implemented in various member states. Additionally, we also explore the implications of Data Spaces and AI Act as forthcoming regulations. All are of great importance to the ecosystem involving Solid Pods, as the DGA inter alia foresees the establishment of a decentralised system of entities designated as 'data intermediaries', which can be responsible for the storage and management of data as mentioned under article 10 of the DGA. In order to enhance trust and transparency in data sharing, the EU has proposed the introduction of neutral intermediaries with various obligations, including the facilitation of data interoperability and reuse. Furthermore, the DGA proposes the creation of a legal framework to facilitate 'data altruism', a concept whereby for example Data Subjects could donate their data for scientific research and other broad purposes. Data altruism must be considered within the broader context of data subject empowerment as it enables them to provide their data for an altruistic purpose without the burden of risk assessment, which instead is undertaken by data intermediaries. Similarly, in relation to AI, the majority of companies are currently required to allocate a significant proportion of their resources to the collection and management of data for the purpose of training their models. The competition is occurring in this context rather than in terms of the delivery of services and the further development of the specific AI model itself. In order to facilitate further advancement in the field of AI, it would be beneficial to encourage innovation and competition beyond the domain of data collection.[5] In this context, Solid Pods have the potential to transform the availability and management of data.[81] This is because companies can access and utilise data directly from the source (the Pod) rather than relying on their own internal collection processes. Furthermore, in the field of Data Spaces, Solid can be viewed as a catalyst for the technical implementation of Data Spaces. The proposed and prominent IDSA Data Spaces protocol, for instance, necessitates the deployment of established technologies and the utilisation of interoperable standards.[82][83] For instance, the IDSA considers the standards and architectural principles established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which serve as the foundation for the technical specifications of Solid.[84]
First focusing on the DGA, the connection to Solid should be apparent as Solid Pods can be used under the DGA to manage access to data by both Data Subjects (who want to provide the data), by data intermediaries (who want to manage access over it), and data consumers (who want to use it). Pods could thus be employed by data intermediaries to facilitate data sharing between different parties by either providing such Pods to the data subjects, or by taking on a custodial role in managing existing Pods. It can be observed that intermediaries serve as an illustrative example of a legally qualified entity capable of offering and using Pods in a manner that seeks the benefits of data reuse without compromising the data subject’s rights as defined under the DGA. In that regard, Pods can also facilitate the collective management of data by, for example, a data cooperative acting as an intermediary, thereby representing the collective interests of a large number of data subjects.
Solid Pods provide a robust technical foundation for the automation of permissions and access control mechanisms within the context of the DGA. Furthermore, it provides a unified set of protocols that enable requestors to access and manage data in a streamlined manner. Solid Pods also provide a convenient means for organisations to enable individuals to manage control over data generated by them without the burden of managing the collection and storage themselves – for example government departments, health organisations, and public services can store the individual’s personal data on Solid Pods (as is done by Athumi in Flanders, Belgium) and let the individuals decide when and with whom they want to share this data. The DGA also introduces the concept of data altruism whereby individuals can ‘donate’ their data for public benefit purposes. Solid Pods can serve as a way to automate these engagements and provide individuals with control mechanisms over their data. Moreover, data in Solid Pods are stored in a format that follows the principles of Linked Data, which immediately facilitates the comprehension of the context, business logic, and implicit assumptions associated with the data. In this context, the interoperability obligations of data intermediaries under article 12 of the DGA can result in Pod Providers, which may be considered data intermediaries, assuming a significant role with regard to the maintenance and availability of Linked Data within the Pod. Solid thus creates a tempting technological solution to the vision of the DGA.
However, as we highlighted in this article, Solid in its current form has severe challenges when it comes to the GDPR due to the lack of interpretation in roles and responsibilities from the legal side, as well as a lack of sufficient technical safeguards and mechanisms to support the legal obligations. We posit that similar (technical) challenges exist for the use of Solid under the DGA, first because the DGA itself relies on the GDPR for the regulation of processing personal data, and second because the DGA introduces new obligations akin to ‘duty of care’ on data intermediaries that go beyond the requirements of GDPR when it comes to controllers. For example, under the DGA, the data intermediary must support the data subjects in making consenting decisions regarding the use of their personal data – for which the intermediary must first perform a risk assessment in order to identify the benefits and risks associated with proposed processing. The necessary information to do such an assessment is currently not supported by Solid, and therefore it must be obtained and used external to the Pod – which is technologically ineffective and runs the risk of having the same existing problems such as dark patterns and misuses of information. A further issue is the lack of clarity surrounding the precise delineation of the definition of a data intermediary.[85] This impedes the identification of the specific entities that are responsible for implementing data interoperability obligations. As a result, the potential of Linked Data in Pods remains unexploited. In light of the forthcoming DGA implementations and the anticipated establishment of guidelines on the interpretation and enforcement of the DGA, we underscore the necessity for further clarity regarding the definition of a data intermediary as well as the incorporation of technological solutions, akin to those observed in the PDS, to facilitate the fulfilment of regulatory requirements.
Second – as Solid Pods by definition are intended for data storage and management, and most commonly will involve personal data, it is envisioned that actors will want to utilise this data for providing AI services – whether beneficial such as personalised recommendations and conversational agents, or for nefarious purposes such as surveillance profiling. Similarly, in light of the EU's objective of establishing a novel data sharing ecosystem through Data Spaces, the management and availability of data while simultaneously protecting and empowering Data Subjects through for example Solid Pods becomes an even more crucial and tangible concern. From the perspective of the GDPR, the ambiguities regarding the interpretation of roles and responsibilities, as well as the lack of sufficient technical mechanisms to support legal obligations, present significant challenges to the envisioned transformation in the availability and management of data. This impedes the new focus on the advancement of new services, thereby constraining the full potential of AI developments and services for data spaces.
In terms of technical mechanisms, the inability to control whether data stored in Solid Pod can be used for specific 'purposes' such as training an AI systems leaves Applications with only the need of a permission to "use" AI as currently defined in Solid specifications to access and use this data. A case in point is the recent announcement by Meta that it will commence using posts from users to train its AI services, which was immediately met with complaints alleging infringement of GDPR and rights [ref]. This action was possible only because Meta currently hosts all this data. In a decentralised system such as that utilising Solid, Meta does not host the data itself, but rather utilises it from the user's Pod. As it has already been granted access to the data in order to provide its services, it is able to start using this data for training purposes without any changes being made to the way in which it accesses the data. In contrast, if Solid Pods were to employ a purpose-based access control system, Meta would be required to declare its intention to utilise the data for a new purpose, thereby triggering a new set of permission requests to the user. This approach aligns with the principles of protection and empowerment inherent to Solid, while still facilitating data availability and up-to-date management. In addition, it also facilitates a ‘compliance-by-design’ approach to the GDPR where purpose separation is a necessary legal obligation such as for consent.
In view of the legal uncertainties, it is worth noting that a 'fundamental rights impact assessment'[86] is a mandatory requirement for certain uses of an AI system that is categorised as ‘high-risk’, as stipulated by the AI Act article 27[87]. Similarly, the AI Act also establishes requirements for risk management (article 9), automatically maintaining logs (article 12), and transparency requirements (article 13) which result in obligations on entities classified as ‘deployers’ and ‘providers’ of AI systems. In the case of Solid Pods, the applicability of the AI Act depends on the manner in which AI is being used and whether it falls into one of the high-risk categories defined in the AI Act. Though like GDPR, the AI Act also defines a ‘personal exemption’ (recital 13), it is similarly unclear about how individuals using AI in a personal capacity can benefit from the obligations of the AI Act on actors providing services. It is therefore essential to consider the capabilities and limitations of data and its use by AI systems, for example via Solid Pods, in order to understand the risks and impacts involved.
In light of the potential for overlap with the conducting of a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), the AI Act explicitly acknowledges the possibility to reuse a DPIA to conduct a Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment (FRIA) (article 27). Given that AI development involves multiple actors in the lifecycle, this is a way for one actor to provide another with risk assessment information – or a DPIA – to support the other actors in conducting their own risk assessments in the context of use or deployment. Under GDPR, it would appear that the party fulfilling the role of data controller in this context is best placed to undertake this task.[88, 89] If the role of data controller is unclear, as we have shown is the case for Solid Pods, as a result, the uncertainty surrounding the division of responsibilities as set forth in the GDPR also has a further impact on the implementation of provisions potentially protecting Data Subjects under the AI Act. To avoid Data Subjects having to manage their own AI risks, and so that they are protected from any harmful or misuses of AI, we encourage a similar investigation be made into the use of AI in Solid Pods based on the assessment of technical capabilities with assignment of legal responsibilities that we have shown in this article.
Concluding Remarks and Recommendations
The present article focuses on the issue of the division of responsibilities and, in particular, on the designation of controllership under GDPR with regard to decentralised data governance systems. Indeed, a precise delineation of responsibilities guarantees that Data Subjects can be simultaneously protected and granted control over the storage and management of data in a leading personal data store (PDS) solution such as Solid. Moreover, the technical specifications on which Solid is based can also provide mechanisms to automate the fulfilment of legal obligations, thereby potentially facilitating a transformation in the availability and management of data, which is beneficial to Data Spaces and the further development of AI. This article therefore presents a case for implementing PDS in the form of Solid within the current regulatory landscape from a multidisciplinary perspective. Subsequently, the potential implications of such an implementation are considered in relation to forthcoming developments, including Data Spaces and AI, and to the introduction of new legislative measures, such as the DGA. Due to the broad interpretation of what determines who should be a controller as well as the flexibility and diversity with which Pods are set up and Solid specifications are implemented, a multitude of actors in the Solid ecosystem may qualify as controllers. Furthermore, modern data-driven supply chains are increasingly comprised of services provided in a modular fashion, which makes the flexibility and diversity even greater. This raises several issues as well as further questions to be explored in future research. It is only through a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the technological and legal landscape by policymakers that the necessary efforts to evolve the interpretation of regulations such as the GDPR towards a decentralised and individual-empowering paradigm can be made. In the absence of these efforts, there is a risk of inadequate protection and empowerment, as responsibilities remain ambiguous, both in legal terms and in the context of technical implementations. The article thus concludes with a series of recommendations pertaining to the clarification of the delineation of responsibilities, which are also intended to underscore forthcoming developments and recent legislative changes. While the article suggests avenues for further research, it does not present a definitive solution to the full range of issues raised in this context. It can be concluded, therefore, that the protection and empowerment of stakeholders in the deployment of PDS represents an ongoing process.
One issue with this broad interpretation is the ‘pulverization of control’.[71] Already in Fashion ID, the Advocate General wondered whether effective data protection can be enhanced if everyone is made responsible for ensuring it (ultimately meaning no one will in fact be responsible).[90] Legal certainty consequently impacts the proper functioning of an economic market. Different actors who want to offer a market commodity, such as a Pod, must be able to assess what obligations they must meet when they enter the market. If it is not exactly clear who within the Solid-based ecosystem is responsible for legally mandated obligations, it will hinder innovation and progress of the ecosystem. For instance, in view of the possibility of overlap between the conduct of a DPIA and a fundamental rights impact assessment under the AI Act, it would seem that the party assuming the role of data controller in this context is best positioned to undertake this task. Consequently, the uncertainty surrounding the division of responsibilities also has an impact on the implementation of provisions potentially protecting Data Subjects under the AI Act. Moreover, in the absence of clarity regarding the division of responsibilities, actors such as providers of Pods and Applications may be encouraged to design a system so as to give some control to the ‘accidental’ controllers. For example, these include Pod Providers purchasing a particular infrastructure or platform or even Pod Users purchasing software they have no real knowledge of, let alone the ability to make changes to it.[25] Exploited legal ambiguities hinder Data Subjects’ right to data protection as the parties who have the concrete ability to protect the personal data of Data Subjects and to take (preventive) measures against possible data breaches can avoid their responsibilities. The first crucial step towards a solution for these problems could be formulating explicit contractual terms and regulatory guidance that indicates the specific roles and obligations associated with each actor in such an ecosystem. Authorities (such as DPA’s) have already stressed the need for contractual terms for cloud services. Furthermore, subject to appropriate future research-based guidance, the market can draft and standardise “model contracts” for different Solid ecosystem requirements and use cases such as Data Spaces. In that regard, we could also ask whether Applications and actors that ensure the practical implementation of certain model contracts or standards could not be merged at a higher level into a common "EU App Store". This EU App Store would then reflect Applications and other actors that respect European data protection values. The advantages and disadvantages of such an EU App Store could be weighed against each other in future research. In a similar vein, the Flemish government already fulfils the role of gatekeeper through a limited liability company that monitors and records contracts before Applications are allowed to access citizens' Pods (issued by Flemish government).[91] Furthermore, in addition to fulfilling the obligations set forth in the DGA, Pod Providers that qualify as data intermediaries are granted a label upon demonstrating compliance with the aforementioned obligations. These obligations encompass, but are not limited to, the necessity to act in the best interests of Data Subjects. In this context, the competent authorities under the DGA may encourage Pod Providers qualifying as data intermediaries to engage exclusively with Applications and other actors that follow established model contracts. Secondly, as the current literature suggests, it may also be advisable to narrow the scope of the controllership and to impose a higher threshold for the level of influence over processing means. This could be combined with tighter obligations on data processors, for instance with regard to data protection by design.[66]
A further issue with the concept of controllership as currently defined in CJEU rulings is that it could, in theory, result in Pod Users, as natural persons and thus Data Subjects, being designated as controllers themselves. This would have the effect of undermining the initial purpose of the data protection regulation and the uptake of Solid Pods, which are supposed to facilitate an enhanced availability and management of data. As no effective study has yet been conducted on what this might mean in practice for Data Subjects and their possible new types of responsibilities, this is a risky hypothesis to make. Complying with these obligations could imply a conflict between Data Subjects having certain rights as a Data Subject and their obligations and duties as a controller.[71, 74] The consequence of the development of broad interpretations of controllership in jurisprudence, to protect the Data Subject, is thus paradoxically a danger to Data Subjects in this context of privacy-enhancing technologies such as Pods. Even if Data Subjects are acting in good faith and doing their best, there is no certainty about their legal responsibilities, specifically in case they manage data of other natural persons in their Pod.[92] A widening of or an exemption similar to the household exemption when having access control over data processed in a Pod, may be a first step to relieve this tension. Further, making it more explicit about how different interests can be reconciled (e.g., one Data Subject vs. other natural persons) could make it easier for Data Subjects to manage data of other natural persons in their Pod. In that regard, the decentralisation paradigm of Solid is also attractive in considering potential data intermediaries under the Data Governance Act as potential resolvers of such conflicts in the Solid ecosystem. Nevertheless, additional research into economically viable business models for such data intermediaries is recommended.[93] In addition, one may wonder whether this would also mean that Data Subjects bear no responsibility at all when they make use of Pods, specifically when their Pod also contains personal data of other natural persons.[94] Possibly natural persons as Pod Users in this situation can only be identified as data controllers in a way that subjects them to new kinds of minimum obligations that do not compromise their rights as Data Subjects. We therefore conclude with a call for further research and regulatory guidance regarding these emerging questions in order to protect as well as empower Data Subjects using PDS. In view of the considerable emphasis placed on data sovereignty and the forms of control exercised over subsequent data usage in Data Spaces, this call becomes increasingly tangible and relevant.
Regardless of regulatory guidance and technical mechanisms to automate the fulfilment of legal obligations, data protection literacy of the actors in the Solid ecosystem also plays a vital role in protecting and empowering Data Subjects using PDS. For example, Pod Providers require guidance on auditing infrastructure, resource providers, and Third Parties utilised in their solutions to have a clear overview of how, where, and by whom the data is being processed - and to understand the distribution of GDPR’s obligations and liabilities. Similarly, Pod Users (and Data Subjects) should be provided with effective data protection literacy to better understand rights and perhaps even obligations based on the specific infrastructure and governance of their Pods (e.g., self-managed Pod or provided as SaaS by a Pod Provider) when containing data of other natural persons. With regard to the DGA, further guidance could be provided towards data intermediaries regarding the availability of data as Linked Data. This would enhance the value and knowledge extraction from the data, as well as the potential to implement technical mechanisms in line with current regulations in the Pod.
Lastly, at the technical level, some suggestions can also be made to ultimately achieve the objective of simultaneously protecting and empowering Data Subjects using PDS. It is evident that, in the absence of additional technical measures to oversee the usage of data within Solid Pods for particular 'purposes' in accordance with the GDPR, an Application is only obliged to obtain 'permission' in accordance with the current, less far-reaching, Solid specifications to access and make use of the data. These Solid specifications lack effective mechanisms (logging or data provenance mechanisms in combination with permission-based system) to support oversight of how, where, and by whom the data is being processed. In relation to the DGA, the data intermediary bears the responsibility of assisting data subjects in making informed consent decisions regarding the use of their personal data. Furthermore, they are obliged to conduct a risk assessment in order to identify the potential benefits and risks associated with the proposed processing. Nevertheless, the lack of technical mechanisms to oversee the processing renders the performance of such an assessment in a Solid ecosystem currently too complex and onerous. As a potential solution, a Pod should provide the necessary technical measures to track data transactions and allow Pod Users or auditors to inspect ongoing processing activities and apply access controls where required. While we have focused on the specifics of Solid and its permission-based system in our analysis, actors such as Applications can also rely on existing modalities such as consent dialogues and privacy policies on their websites to comply with their responsibilities as a controller under the GDPR. However, while we acknowledge the potential legality of such approaches, we also point towards the well-established misuse and abuse of these mechanisms to make it more difficult for individuals to understand and control access over their personal data, as well as to the unbridled surveillance and profiling. We therefore consider Solid’s mission to also extend towards creating better mechanisms that overcome such known issues and truly provide individuals with transparency and accountability as enshrined in the GDPR. This should be done at the specification level, to establish and enforce desired practices and good forms of governance. The potential for such exemplary models of governance can be drawn from developments within the field of Data Spaces. These concepts could be further discussed within organisations that are striving for a more consistent and comprehensive implementation of Data Spaces, such as the Data Spaces Support Centre.[95]
Acknowledgments. Michiel Fierens is supported by SolidLab Vlaanderen (Flemish Government, EWI and RRF project VV023/10). Harshvardhan J. Pandit is supported by the ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology and is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant #13/RC/2106 P2.
Disclosure of Interests. The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this article.
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