draft publications for feedback
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Also see draft publications inviting feedback and collaborations.
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A Solid Use Case To Empower And Protect Data Subjects
under review formal publication
🏢 venue: working draft
✍ authors: Michiel Fierens* , Harshvardhan J. Pandit , Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux , Kimberly García
🔓copies: harshp.com, SSRN -
High-Risk Categorisations in GDPR vs AI Act: Overlaps and Implications
under review formal publication
🏢 venue: working draft
✍ authors: Tytti Rintamaki* , Delaram Golpayegani , Dave Lewis , Edoardo Celeste , Harshvardhan J. Pandit
🔓copies: harshp.com, OSF -
How could the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation recognise enforceable privacy signals in the EU?
inviting feedback
🏢 venue: working draft
✍ authors: Cristiana Santos* , Harshvardhan J. Pandit*
🔓copies: harshp.com, OSF -
Making Sense of Solid for Data Governance and GDPR
🏢 venue: working draft
✍ authors: Harshvardhan J. Pandit*
🔓copies: harshp.com, OSF, published version -
Proposals for Resolving Consenting Issues with Signals and User-side Dialogues
inviting feedback
🏢 venue: working draft
✍ authors: Harshvardhan J. Pandit*
🔓copies: arXiv, harshp.com, OSF