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  1. Implementing ISO/IEC TS 27560: 2023 Consent Records and Receipts for GDPR and DGA
    Full Paper We compare requirements regarding consent between ISO/IEC TS 27560:2023, ISO/IEC 29184:2020 Privacy Notices, and the GDPR and use the DPV to create interoperable consent records and receipts, and implementation of DGA machine-readable consent forms.
  2. AI Cards: Towards an Applied Framework for Machine-Readable AI and Risk Documentation Inspired by the EU AI Act
    Full Paper AI Cards is a novel holistic framework for representing intended uses of AI systems by encompassing information regarding technical specifications, context of use, and risk management, both in human- and machine-readable formats.
  3. Enhancing Data Use Ontology (DUO) for Health-Data Sharing by Extending it with ODRL and DPV
    Full Paper The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health is developing the Data Use Ontology (DUO) as a standard providing machine-readable codes for automation in data discovery and responsible sharing of genomics data. We demonstrate the advantages of using ODRL as a standard for formal representation of policies and DPV for taxonomies and legal/jurisdictional concepts.
  4. Schrödinger's Paper
    blog Publishing a paper in academia is a lot like Schrödinger's cat where its both published and unpublished
  5. Towards a Semantic Specification for GDPR Data Breach Reporting
    Short Paper A machine-readable specification for the representation and documentation of information related to data breaches and their communications
  6. Pay, or Consent to Surveillance Ads - NOT the road forward
    blog Meta's new pay or consent to surveillance ads should not be legal - my thoughts illustrate why based on social premises alone without getting into legal explanations
  7. Using Patterns to Manage Governance of Solid Apps
    Full Paper A policy language to describe the entities, infrastructure, legal roles, policies, notices, and records to understand and establish responsibilities and accountability within the Solid ecosystem
  8. Pizza in Dublin
    blog Pizza places in Dublin - a culinary investigation
  9. Old Website Update Ideas
    dev Transcribing old notes regarding developing features for
  10. Return of the Obra Dinn
    blog An intricate whodunnit rendered creatively in 1-bit graphics
  11. Student Project Ideas
    research blog Ideas for student to implement as projects
  12. Semantics for Implementing Data Reuse and Altruism under EU's Data Governance Act
    Full Paper This work investigates how to apply existing Semantic Web vocabularies to (1) generate machine-readable policies for the reuse of public data, (2) specify data altruism consent terms and (3) create uniform registers of data altruism organisations and intermediation services’ providers
  13. W3C IRC meeting logs guide
    dev short guide for using W3C irc to create meeting logs
  14. Outer Wilds
    blog One of the best sci-fi video games and stories, this game is a must play to experience a different universe
  15. To Be High-Risk, or Not To Be—Semantic Specifications and Implications of the AI Act’s High-Risk AI Applications and Harmonised Standards
    Full Paper This article analyses the core concepts in EU Act's high-risk categorisation, and presents an open vocabulary to model AI risk. It also explores the implications of standardisation activities in connection with AI Act.
  16. Relevant Research Questions For Decentralised (Personal) Data Governance
    Extended Abstract This article outlines several relevant questions from legal, privacy and technology standpoints that need to be considered regarding lawful decentralised data processing.
  17. Comparison and Analysis of 3 Key AI Documents: EU's Proposed AI Act, Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI), and ISO/IEC 42001 AI Management System
    Full Paper An analysis of the three key documents related to regulating AI and identifying how to represent the identified analysis in the form of linked data
  18. How could the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation recognise enforceable privacy signals in the EU?
    Draft PaperFull Paper In this paper we discuss requirements that privacy signals must satisfy to be enforceable under the ePrivacy Regulation and enable its real-world application.
  19. Making Sense of Solid for Data Governance and GDPR
    Full Paper This article explores Solid as a new technology, and provides a framework to describe its implementations and use-cases using cloud-technology terminology. It also explores GDPR's application and identifies existing issues and solutions that also apply to Solid.
  20. The Joys of Using New Things in Routine Chores
    blog Why do we feel good when using new things in mundane chores?
  21. Making Sense of Solid for Data Governance and GDPR
    Draft PaperFull Paper This article explores Solid as a new technology, and provides a framework to describe its implementations and use-cases using cloud-technology terminology. It also explores GDPR's application and identifies existing issues and solutions that also apply to Solid.
  22. Notes on reuse of EU Vocabularies for DPV
    dev Notes on reusing EU Vocabularies for/with DPV (legal) concepts
    is about: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
  23. We need to talk about AI: the case for citizens’ think-ins for citizen-researcher dialogue and deliberation
    Report Analysis of the various discussions that took place within the Citizens’ Think-Ins series 2020-2021
  24. COnSeNT 2022: 2nd International Workshop on Consent Management in Online Services, Networks and Things
    Extended Abstract Organisers abstract and introduction for the COnSeNT 2022 workshop
  25. Proposals for Resolving Consenting Issues with Signals and User-side Dialogues
    Draft PaperFull Paper Consent dialogues are a source of annoyance, malicious intent, dark patterns, illegal practices and a plethora of other issues. This work presents known problems based on GDPR requirements grouped into two categories: (i) UI/UX for consenting; and (ii) power imbalance in expressing consent. To resolve this, it presents two proposals: First, the use of automation through privacy signals to better govern consenting processes and to reduce ‘consent-fatigue’. Second, as generation of consent dialogues on the user side and its practicalities for both websites as well as users and agents (e.g. web browsers). Both proposals are discussed in terms of possibilities for implementation and suitability for stakeholders. The article concludes with a discussion on the difficulties in achieving such solutions owing to the conflicts of interest between ‘web-enablers’ and ‘web-consumers’, and the necessity for the EU to take a direct stance in addressing these in their future laws.
  26. Add ISO standards to tech-org measures
    dev Proposal for linking Standards to DPV concepts and using them as TOMs
    is about: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
  27. Proposal for updating Consent concepts
    dev Fixing issues, and enabling specific concepts in different jurisdictions
    is about: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
  28. AIRO: an Ontology for Representing AI Risks based on the Proposed EU AI Act and ISO Risk Management Standards
    Full Paper AI Risk Ontology (AIRO) for expressing information associated with high-risk AI systems based on the requirements of the proposed AI Act and ISO 31000 series of standards
  29. A Semantic Specification for Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
    Full Paper Expressing GDPR's Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) as semantic information by extending DPV
  30. Data Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms: Current Open Proposals and Challenges
    Full Paper An analysis of ADPC and GPC communication mechanisms using interdisciplinary factors
  31. Using the ODRL Profile for Access Control for Solid Pod Resource Governance
    Short Paper This demo shows an ODRL editor where RDF policies can be defined and enforced to grant access to personal data stored in Solid Pods.
  32. DPCat: Specification for an Interoperable and Machine-Readable Data Processing Catalogue Based on GDPR
    Full Paper Analysing all DPA ROPA templates and guidelines to create a DCAT and DCAT-AP based ROPA catalogue specification
  33. Consent Receipts for a Usable And Auditable Web of Personal Data
    Full Paper Providing requirements, uses, and benefits offered by Consent Receipts along with proof-of-concepts for common scenarios
  34. if jesus was a woman...
    poems wondering the implications of a women leading our faiths
  35. DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis Part 2
    dev Refining DPV's expression in OWL and SKOS using ConceptScheme
    is about: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
  36. DPV as a SKOS vocabulary: Analysis
    dev Analysing options for expressing DPV as a SKOS vocabulary
    is about: Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
  37. Journey
    blog A wonderful game that parallels the journey of life
  38. pdf2slideshow: Convert your PDFs to HTML Slideshows
    dev Creating a nifty script to convert PDF into HTML slideshow
  39. Gris
    blog A beatiful game that became the artistic expression of an inner journey
  40. Accessing IEEE 7000 standard is hostile to User
    dev Frustrating and annoying experience in trying to read a free standards document
  41. DPV v1 Checklist
    dev Items and their progress towards the first stable release of DPV
  42. God of Awakening
    stories What God watches over you as you sleep, and brings you back to this-world, waking you up?
  43. Forgotten Stories
    stories things we used to know ; then forgot to pay attention to
  44. COnSeNT 2021
    research blog Post detailing organising a workshop
    is about: Consent Workshop 2021
  45. ODRL Profile for Expressing Consent through Granular Access Control Policies in Solid
    Full Paper This paper proposes an extension of Solid's ACL language and algorithm to implement consent and data requests by using ODRL and DPV to declare policies.
  46. dpv-x 2021-08-15
    dev Some ideas for extending and improving DPV and documentation
  47. RDF Website Generator
    dev How gets generated from RDF metadata
  48. Unshackled from being enslaved at work
    blog The perils and pitfalls of making work your self-identity.
  49. Building a Data Processing Activities Catalog: Representing Heterogeneous Compliance-related Information for GDPR using DCAT-AP and DPV
    Full Paper A new semantic metadata-based approach to describing and integrating diverse data processing activity descriptions gathered from heterogeneous organisational sources such as departments, divisions, and external processors
  50. Consent Through the Lens of Semantics: State of the Art Survey and Best Practices
    Full Paper A literature survey of existing solutions that use semantic technology for implementing consent
  51. Role of Identity, Identification, and Receipts for Consent
    Full Paper Discussing how identity and identification for consent lead to receipts as an elegant solution; and introduces the PaE:CG project
  52. [How] Do Users Benefit From Giving Consent?
    Extended Abstract Proposal for research investigating what benefits, if any, do consumers get when consenting
  53. An Argument for Generating SHACL Shapes from ODPs
    Book Chapter Discusses the merits of creating SHACL shapes as constraints for validation from Ontological Design Patterns
  54. A Design Pattern Describing Use of Personal Data in Privacy Policies
    Book Chapter Outlines an ontology design pattern for representing information associated with personal data in the context of a privacy policy
  55. Crowd-sourcing Multi-Domain Issues in Consent Dialogues for Automated Generation of Legal Complaints
    Extended Abstract Proposal for reporting issues across domains and linking them for legal complaints
  56. An Ontology for Standardising Trustworthy AI
    Book Chapter Presents a simple ontology that can be used for checking the consistency and overlap of concepts from different standards, regulations and policies for Trustworthy AI.
  57. who are you anymore?
    poems a look at oneself after a long time
  58. Web-Browsers and Web-Communities Should Do More For Consent
    research blog I explore what web-browser vendors and web-communities can do to make consent practices better online.
  59. Comparison of notice requirements for consent between ISO/IEC 29184:2020 and GDPR
    Full Paper Comparing the requirements for applicability of ISO/IEC 29184 towards GDPR compliance
  60. Standardization and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence Standards
    Book Chapter A glossary entry for existing state regarding AI and its standardisation activities
  61. atlas
    poems story of a warrior princess in battle with herself
  62. GPC + GDPR: will it work?
    research blog Global Privacy Controls (GPC) represents a signal to opt out of data sharing. Will it work with GDPR?
  63. lost in myself
    poems sometimes it feels as if I'm not myself
  64. A Common Semantic Model of the GDPR Register of Processing Activities
    Short Paper Creating a common semantic model of ROPA based on analyses of ROPA templates by EU DPAs
  65. The RISKY Project
    research blogRisky Exploring privacy risks of technologies using knowledge graphs
    is about: Risky
  66. Semantic Schema Mapping for Interoperable Data-Exchange
    Full Paper Facilitating import/export of data between services based on GDPR's Right to Data Portability by using semantics to align different schemas
  67. LotR Acronyms
    blog How can someone name a research project PALANTIR?
  68. Somehow, I've done a PhD
    blog Through a combination of many events, I've finished the PhD, something that i've always wanted to do
  69. random #200611
    poems fleeting thoughts
  70. Questions about Self-Publishing
    research blog Questions I have investigating if self-publishing is a good and sustainable model
  71. Representing Activities associated with Processing of Personal Data and Consent using Semantic Web for GDPR Compliance
    Thesis PhD research showing use of semantic web in representing activities and consent for GDPR
  72. Kintsugi
    stories A broken vase and a cracked friendship - can we ever truly repair them?
  73. Sayonara Wild Hearts
    blog A visually stunning narrative fused with pop songs and rhythm
  74. "Just-in-Time" Generation of Datasets by Considering Structured Representations of Given Consent for GDPR Compliance
    Full Paper Creating datasets 'just-in-time' as needed based on consent for complying with GDPR
  75. The distance between me and you
    poems Momentary thoughts on the connectivity in self-isolation
  76. Mini Motorways
    blog A game simulation of traffic in a city with a lot of potential
  77. Living on the Edge
    poems Momentary thoughts on the delicate balance of life
  78. What Every Postdoc Needs to Know - book notes
    research blog The book presents guidance on the postdoc life
  79. The Checklist Manifesto - book notes
    blog book notes for The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande
  80. Standardisation, Data Interoperability, and GDPR
    Book Chapter Describes how the GDPR specifies interoperability requirements for information and stakeholders and how the semantic web can be useful
  81. Test-driven Approach Towards GDPR Compliance
    Full Paper Developing a test-driven approach using GDPR ontologies and SHACL to ensure information and processes are compliant with GDPR
  82. Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy
    Full Paper Describes the creation of the DPV under the DPVCG
  83. Towards Cataloguing Potential Derivations of Personal Data
    Short Paper Creating a catalogue of data derivations or inferences in literature and building a semantic-web rule-based system for identifying potential derivations
  84. Explaining Disclosure Decisions Over Personal Data
    Short Paper Representing and explaining disclosure of personal data using semantic web
  85. OPN: Open Notice Receipt Schema
    Short Paper Creating a schema for representing online notices
  86. Invisible Women
    blog book notes for Invisible Women
  87. SEMANTiCS 2019
    research blog SEMANTiCS 2019 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany
    is about: SEMANTiCS 2019 Conference
  88. Moving from AWS EC2 to Lightsail
    dev A short post describing moving the website to Lightsail
  89. random #190601
    poems listening to my inner self
  90. Goodbye, Claire
    poems saying goodbye
  91. Séamus
    poems A short poem remembering Shay
  92. GConsent - A Consent Ontology based on the GDPR
    Full Paper An ontology modeling aspects of consent based on GDPR
  93. Are the EU's Ethics Guidelines too generic?
    blog The ethics guidelines are generic enough to be applied to anything
  94. How open should reviews be in CompSci?
    research blog A short collection of different review styles and their pros and cons
  95. Towards Generating Policy-compliant Datasets
    Full Paper Creating datasets that are inherently compliant with consent under GDPR
  96. Towards Knowledge-based Systems for GDPR Compliance
    Full Paper Discussing creation of knowledge-based systems for compliance and information management regarding GDPR
  97. Why I won't eat the chemically toxic meat in India
    blog The rampant use of anti-biotics has resulted in chickens being pumped full of toxic chemicals
  98. Year in Review - 2018
    blog A summary of what happened in 2018
  99. An Exploration of Data Interoperability for GDPR
    Full Paper Providing the use of semantic web standards within a stakeholder and data intoperability based model of requirements derived from GDPR
  100. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***
    blog Book notes, thoughts, and reactions
  101. Queryable Provenance Metadata For GDPR Compliance
    Short Paper Using GDPRtEXt and GDPRov ontologies to turn GDPR readiness spreadsheets into queryable data.
  102. Investigating Conditional Data Value Under GDPR
    Short Paper Discussing the impact of GDPR's consent on the value of data and how this can be used to better utilise available data
  103. Extracting Provenance Metadata from Privacy Policies
    Short Paper Discussing how information about data provenance can be extracted from privacy policies and modelled in semantic web
  104. Exploring GDPR Compliance Over Provenance Graphs Using SHACL
    Short Paper Proposing an architecture and method for documenting and evaluating GDPR compliance through use of a knowledge-graph with provenance and SHACL
  105. An Ontology Design Pattern for Describing Personal Data in Privacy Policies
    Full Paper Provides an ODP for representing information about personal data within privacy policies
  106. Using Ontology Design Patterns to Define SHACL Shapes
    Short Paper Proposing the use of ODPs to automatically define SHACL shapes for use in data validation and documentation
  107. Personalised Privacy Policies
    Full Paper How privacy policies can be personalised to the individual for more relevance and transparency.
  108. Towards an Open Data Vocabulary for Canvas Driven Innovation Ethics
    Full Paper Associating ethical concerns with business processes using semantic web
  109. Discussing Ethical Impacts in Research and Innovation: The Ethics Canvas
    Full Paper Presents the Ethics Canvas as a methdology and tool for discussion of ethics within the existing processes and stakeholders of research and innovation
  110. How to speak so that people want to listen
    research blog Gist of a very handy TED talk for speaking
  111. Fiasco
    blog Fiasco is a hard science masterpiece by Stanislaw Lem
  112. band-aids
    poems a lot of cuts
  113. An introspection on Chatbots, AI & The Future of Privacy
    blog Some thoughts as I read the article on the SEED platform shared on Twitter
  114. Exploring Linked Data For The Automatic Enrichment of Historical Archives (extended version)
    Full Paper Extension of the publication on use and benefits of semantic web in handling data from historical archives
  115. dripping sky
    poems a whimsy cluster of words for the dublin rains
  116. Sofia
    blog Sofia, Bulgaria - a quiet place to rest and explore
  117. London
    blog My visit to London to see the British Museum and taste amazing food
  118. Provenance Week 2018
    blog Provenance Week is a series of workshops centered around Provenance
  119. GDPR Data Interoperability Model
    Full Paper Discussing interoperability requirements of data and processes and the advantages of semantic-web based on a stakeholder model of GDPR
  120. GDPR-driven Change Detection in Consent and Activity Metadata
    Short Paper Proposing change-detection in processes to assess impact and compliance with GDPR
  121. Greece
    blog Being in Crete and Athens in Greece
  122. ESWC 2018
    blog ESWC 2018 conference in Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  123. GDPRtEXT - GDPR as a Linked Data Resource
    Full Paper GDPRtEXT provides a linked data version of the GDPR text, a taxonomy of concepts, and extends the ELI model used by EU Publications Office
  124. Exploring Linked Data For The Automatic Enrichment of Historical Archives
    Full Paper Discusses the various issues in automated handling of data in historical archives and the advantages of semantic web in resolving relationships
  125. white hair
    blog the sighthing of a single white hair induces old-ness
  126. A short guide to structuring academic presentations
    research blog based on a message I sent to a friend
  127. Ease and Ethics of User Profiling in Black Mirror
    Full Paper Discussing how the real-world is already a reflection of the Black Mirror episode 'Nosedive'
  128. reading without guilt (buy old books!)
    blog I found Amazon sold used books and ordered a few; the joy of reading paperbooks without the guilt!
  129. age=>28
    blog a random blurb about my birthday
  130. Appointment notifications using Telegram app
    dev A how-to for signing up to receive appointment notifications for GNIB and VISA appointments
  131. Setting up notifications via Telegram
    dev Automating notification of new appointments through the Telegram app
  132. Analysing GNIB appointment app survey responses
    dev Gathering requirements and making decisions based on the survey of 59 participants
  133. ISWC 2017
    blog The top conference in my domain that took place in Vienna
  134. Bratislava
    blog An hour away from Vienna, this city is great for a day's walking tour
  135. Vienna
    blog A wonderful city with great culture and food.
  136. Workaholic - don't be working full time
    blog Working without indulging the other things I want to do is being an workaholic
  137. Modelling provenance for GDPR compliance using linked open data vocabularies
    Full Paper Creating GDPRov by extending PROV-O and P-Plan ontologies for ex-ante and ex-post representation of processes for GDPR
  138. Compliance through Informed Consent: Semantic Based Consent Permission and Data Management Model
    Full Paper Reference architecture for management of consent-based provenance, processes, permissions, and obligations based on GDPR
  139. undercurrents of a soul
    stories the cold city and its dark shadows
  140. mother!
    blog mother! is a masterpiece based on allegorical depiction of mother earth set in a biblical setting with Him
  141. Linked Data Contracts to Support Data Protection and Data Ethics in the Sharing of Scientific Data
    Full Paper Creating DPRL by extending ODRL to represent machine-readable contracts following GDPR
  142. Utilising Semantic Web Ontologies to publish Experimental Workflows
    Full Paper Reviewing workflow reproducibility using semantic web and their publication with traditional documents along with licensing annotations
  143. random #2017081701
    poems random musings
  144. Documenting ontologies using Widoco
    dev Widoco is a nifty utility to document OWL2 vocabularies
  145. Setting up Pubby
    dev Using pubby to expose resources in a dataset
  146. Setting up Openlink Virtuoso
    dev Setting up Virtuoso as a triple-store and serving with Nginx
  147. Setting up Fuseki
    dev Getting Apache Fuseki up and running with minimal configuration
  148. RDF/OWL content-negotiation using NGINX
    dev Performing content-negotiation for RDF and OWL types with Nginx
  149. Tools for Semantic Web
    dev A (WIP) list of tools and utilities for working with Semantic Web
  150. Primer on Semantic Web Ontologies
    dev A short description for RDF,RDFS, and OWL and their serialisation formats
  151. Two surprisingly productive weeks
    blog After spending two productive weeks, I sat down to think why I could get things done
  152. Notification when printing *actually* completes
    dev a script to notify when the printer actually finishes the printing job
  153. BOI Mobile - nothing fishy; needs better documentation
    research blog A mobile banking app that is under-documented, but not suspicious
  154. Whatsapp - sensibly private; but tainted by Facebook
    research blog Whatsapp holds up a reputation of being simple and sensible; the presence of Facebook makes it hard to swallo
  155. iOS 11 location-aware blue notification bar
    research blog iOS solidifies its privacy with location-aware notification bar
  156. Privacy Guard
    research blog An app study using Privacy Guard on Android
  157. The Stanley Parable
    blog One of the most bizzare and charming video games out there, An experience not to be missed
  158. nested for loops
    dev resolve nested for loops by preventing repeated iterations
  159. INSIDE
    blog One of the finest games, a work of art, a philosophical essay
  160. Lord of the Rings marathon
    blog LotR extended edition marathon at the local cinema; EPIC
  161. Wonder Woman
    blog A film full of cliche; though confusingly popular and critically acclaimed
  162. My new custom built gaming PC
    blog Here's my shiny new gaming PC, totally custom built, and totally AWESOME
  163. Just a minor setback
    blog The ordeal of waiting for my gaming PC and finding it doesn't work
  164. Doom
    blog Doom (2016) is a reboot / continuation of the iconic Doom game
  165. Inheriting klip
    dev Inheriting the klip project, cleaning it up, and documenting it
  166. previous project - kindle annotations
    dev The previous project of parsing kindle annotations
  167. Setting up a Facebook bot to respond with available GNIB/VISA appointments
    dev Facebook bot that responds to messages with appointments
  168. Chrome extension for loading/saving form data
    dev Using a chrome extension to automatically populate GNIB forms
  169. Retrieving Visa appointments
    dev Retrieving visa appointments similar to GNIB appointments
  170. Heroku app to view GNIB appointments
    dev Using a free heroku app to easily view GNIB appointments
  171. Getting appointments using python
    dev Retrieving GNIB appointments using python
  172. Getting appointments using bash
    dev Retrieving GNIB appointments using a bash scripr
  173. Reverse engineering an easy way to check GNIB appointments
    dev Using reverse engineering to easily pull appointments from the GNIB website
  174. Full Stack Website Guide
    dev An overview of everything that goes into making a full stack website
  175. Just look right
    stories To be free of it, just look right
  176. I'm a Ghost in the Shell fan, and I do not give my consent to this
    blog The hollywood film manages to turn something awesome and iconic into blithering garbage that still looks stunning
  177. Random2017032201
    poems Just musing
  178. Birthdays in an adult world
    blog This birthday, I realised that being an adult changes a lot of things
  179. Dead men do tell tales
    stories The bodies this time are not under the floor
  180. Only a kiss
    poems A strange night
  181. Revenge is a mindless beast
    stories The quest of a man and his revenge
  182. Firefly
    stories A little girl and her fascination with fireflies
  183. 9 Nov'16 - a wake up call to all
    blog Why the day is a wake up all, especially after Brexit. A rant.
  184. When burning bridges heal
    poems A heartfelt poem about walking past once burnt pathways
  185. Canon 350d
    blog Bought an used canon 350d from the web on the cheap!
  186. Song of the blue jay
    poems Just a simple tune I whipped up
  187. A model for contextual data sharing in smartphone applications
    Full Paper Creating a semantic data storage and sharing mechanism for smarter apps similar to Google Now and Siri with a prototype for Android
  188. My sticky notes won't stick
    poems One tiny thing is all it takes to just explode
  189. The Godman
    stories A man claims he can talk to god. What does the news say?
  190. My Macbook Air (2013) games better than my old Dell Studio 1556
    blog To my surprise, I found that my Macbook Air had better graphics than the old Dell laptop. Such shock!
  191. The Use of Open Data to Improve the Repeatability of Adaptivity and Personalisation Experiment
    Short Paper Arguing advantages of using of linked data for published user modeling and adaptibility experiments for accessibility and reproducibility
  192. Broken Mirrors
    stories In a world of perfect mirrors, broken mirrors are condemned to sadness and solitude
  193. Why I'm Single
    poems when people keep asking me why I'm single
  194. Wonderful Friendship
    poems How wonderful friendships are
  195. noise
    poems too many things happening around us
  196. limelight
    poems the limelight of a (new) life
  197. Mediocre but not bad
    blog Batman v Superman wasn't that bad, it just wasn't good
  198. random #16032501
    poems was thinking what would I think if in addiction
  199. Somehow, I'm doing a PhD
    blog Through a combination of many events, I've landed into doing a PhD, something that i've always wanted to do
  200. random #16031201
    poems just a random poem about life
  201. Wings and Wisdom
    poems A tale of a flight and life
  202. Of nails and hearts
    poems The pain and agony of having failed a dream
  203. Forbidden Fruit
    poems A take on the biblical story of Eden
  204. In my dreams
    poems something about dreams
  205. Gratification can lead to Stagnation
    blog Gratification can lead to Stagnation
  206. The Magic Ring
    stories adventures of a magic ring
  207. GTD with Wunderlist
    blog Getting things done with Wunderlist
  208. Purple Dilation
    stories a mysterious affliction, labs, and purple eyes
  209. Azure
    stories A mystical journey to the blue peaks
  210. an unknown nostalgia
    poems leaving home to go away
  211. checking if time difference between stations are the same
    dev checking if the time differences between each train run and station is the same
  212. handling special cases
    dev handling some of the special cases in the train schedule
  213. populating train schedule
    dev Populating the train schedule and directions
  214. designing data models for trains, timings, and station
    dev A model for updating train timetables
  215. give & take lists
    dev comparing movies with friends
  216. Where do I draw a line?
    blog Where people share what amounts to child porn in WhatsApp groups
  217. imdbnator - like this, but classier
    dev Found a website that already does something similar to HDD-indexer
  218. The pitfalls of discovering the unoriginality of your work
    blog The pitfalls of discovering the unoriginality of your work
  219. Facebook patent describes how you may be refused a loan based on who you're friends with
    blog Facebook's forage into finance is a disaster for privacy
  220. Dear Facebook, where's my freedom of choice?
    blog Dear Facebook, where's my freedom of choice?
  221. HDD-indexer v0.1
    dev First implementation
  222. Choosing the right framework
    dev choosing the right framework for implementation
  223. A model for contextual data sharing in smartphone applications
    Thesis Creating a semantic data storage and sharing mechanism for smarter apps similar to Google Now and Siri with a prototype for Android
  224. chiasmus
    stories an inversion of pairs
  225. The Dark Tower
    blog The Dark Tower
  226. by the moonlight
    poems a proposal in the moonlight
  227. 'shrooms
    poems got some mushrooms at the farmer's market
  228. bedtime
    poems bedtime
  229. aftermath
  230. distance
  231. first flight
    poems flying paper planes
  232. The Teapot
    stories A little girl plays with her teapot
  233. dust and destiny
    stories an adventure in the desert
  234. A Lasting Legacy
    blog A Lasting Legacy
  235. The Birthday Boy
    poems Experience on the birthday
  236. random #15030701
    poems random 20150307a
  237. monotony
    poems the monotony of life
  238. stellar
    stories the birth of a star
  239. Mindfuck Movies
    blog Mindfuck Movies
  240. finding monsters under the bed
    stories finding monsters under the bed
  241. courage
    stories a strange plant, and the will
  242. apple sauce in cranberry juice
    stories A humorous thriller about food
  243. Irish weather
    poems the sheer volatility of weather in Ireland
  244. Whatsapp Web is retarded
    blog Instead of providing web messaging, WhatsApp Web relies on the phone
  245. The Google Interview - A dream halfway through
    blog Going through the Google interview process
  246. The shallow creek
    poems random thoughts in monsoons
  247. kisses anonymous
    poems a mysterious night
  248. criticise me, please!
    blog criticise me, please!
  249. Submitting my thesis - at the end of one journey and the beginning of another
    blog Submitting my thesis - at the end of one journey and the beginning of another
  250. little birdy learns to fly
    stories taking the plunge, a bird leans to fly
  251. The Traveller
    stories An adventure atop a mystical mountain
  252. sol
    poems a short one about the sun
  253. The Feeling
    blog The Feeling
  254. the thumping sound
    stories a mystery of a sound
  255. How companies promise white lies
    blog The misadventures of advertising
  256. pech
    stories pech
  257. orphans
    stories a short but touching tale
  258. miscalculation
    stories a small tiny little miscalculation
  259. Smile
    blog Smile
  260. Just tell them they are wrong
    blog Just tell them they are wrong
  261. Sensationalism[LIVE]
    blog The irrational sensationalism sold by news media
  262. 10 signs you were born to make it big
    blog 10 signs you were born to make it big
  263. The Umbrella
    stories The Umbrella
  264. Xenophobia
    stories aliens? hospitals? who's sane? who's insane?
  265. Fear is a choice
    blog Fear is a choice
  266. Box of happiness
    stories Box of happiness
  267. Saptapadi
    stories the ritual of seven rounds around a pyre
  268. Completing Super Hexagon
    blog Completing Super Hexagon
  269. Being passionate is sexy
    blog Being passionate is sexy
  270. 101 Thought Provoking Questions
    blog 101 Thought Provoking Questions on life
  271. Chrysanthemum - II
    stories sadness and longing, and chrysanthemums
  272. Chrysanthemum
    stories a tale of mystery and chrysanthemums
  273. birthday poem 2014
    poems something about my birthday
  274. I want to fly
    poems a wish to fly
  275. Where do write-ups originate?
    blog Where do write-ups originate?
  276. how we came to be
    stories a history of existense
  277. Lost Treasures
    stories a myth surrounding great treasures
  278. do cup chai
    stories a warm encounter over two cups of tea
  279. Handicapped
    blog Handicapped
  280. Why I'm glad I learnt the basics
    blog Why I'm glad I learnt the basics
  281. What Indian TV soaps taught me
    blog What Indian TV soaps taught me
  282. Behind the veil
    stories Behind the veil
  283. The Plight of languages in India
    blog The Plight of languages in India
  284. carrying roses
    stories love and kindness go together
  285. My experiences at Startup Weekend Dublin
    blog My experiences at Startup Weekend Dublin
  286. Aims in Life
    blog Aims in Life
  287. Repetition in News Aggregator
    dev service that organises news from different sources by topic
  288. The Moon Plan
    blog Why I'm convinced we're going to the Moon!
  289. a slow attraction
    poems a slow attraction
  290. a lark in the storm
    poems a lark in the storm
  291. an experiment in quads
    poems an experiment in quads
  292. Roads and Rains
    blog the literal pitfalls of rains
  293. newfound zeal
    poems moving ahead with motivation
  294. the mask over the heart
    poems an emotional outburst
  295. Look into your mind
    poems introspecting inner thoughts
  296. Dingle
    poems About my trip to Dingle
  297. Resolve
    poems a resolve to keep moving ahead
  298. good morning - dawn
    poems describing the dawn
  299. human life introspection
    poems instrospecting some cultural assumptions
  300. Happy Day
    poems a nice day outside sets the mood right
  301. distance
    poems on and off things
  302. Relationship Development Life Cycle (RDLC)
    blog how to develop a relationship based on software engineering principles
  303. A traveler
    poems A traveler
  304. you are my superhero
    poems a thankful epitaph for a friend
  305. beautiful hair
    poems When I found mesmerising hair
  306. burn them down
    poems getting rid of unwanted thoughts
  307. Letter by a Computer Engineer
    blog Letter by a Computer Engineer
  308. destiny will decide the end
    poems destiny and the path ahead
  309. don't want to leave
    poems when you're happy and don't want to go
  310. mind after work
    poems coming home after work
  311. lucky internet
    poems random musings about internet
  312. lived my life
    poems a fleeting thought about death
  313. you besides me
    poems a short poem describing recent events
  314. on an impulse
    poems on an impulse
  315. Anti-Valentine
    poems sick of the valentine ceremonies everywhere
  316. How to make a killer ad
    blog How to make a killer ad
  317. Adventure at the mall
    blog Adventure at the mall
  318. KWEST: A Semantically Tagged Virtual File System
    Report A virtual filesystem that allows automated semantic organisation and suggestions
  319. Using association rule learning in a Semantic file system
    Short Paper A virtual filesystem that allows automated semantic organisation and suggestions
  320. KWEST: A Semantically Tagged Virtual File System
    Short Paper A virtual filesystem that allows automated semantic organisation and suggestions
  321. Rain
    poems the coming of the rain
  322. The watch that never showed time
    poems A story about a special watch
  323. Pyrex
    poems Pyrex is a strong glass
  324. Pearl
    poems A dating experience
  325. Thundersky
    poems a child watching the onset of thunder
  326. can I ask you something?
    poems a million questions for a friend
  327. su's birthday poem
    poems a birthday gift for Su
  328. unknown X
    poems the unknown in life
  329. Aquapyre
    poems The story of fire and water - Aquapyre
  330. The girl at midnight
    poems meeting someone surprising
  331. why did you do this?
    poems acrostic poem about recent events
  332. The Red Dame
    poems A story I wrote in-flight
  333. Kryptonite
    poems Based on the song by Three Doors Down
  334. a friend who went away
    poems a friend who went away
  335. paper boat
    poems floating paper boats in the rain
  336. a reply to a poem
    poems a reply to a poem
  337. a scenic morning
    poems a scenic morning
  338. Pretended Friend
    poems Thoughts about prentese in friendship
  339. turmoil of things
    poems musings about life and things
  340. friendship day poem
    poems friendship day poem
  341. my two best friends
    poems about my two dearest friends
  342. zany zeal
    poems channeling all the excitement
  343. somewhere far away
    poems romantic musings
  344. sometimes
    poems fleeting thoughts
  345. tired
    poems an emotional outburst
  346. time is for eternity
    poems an emotional outburst
  347. sick of things
    poems annoyed at the little things
  348. regret
    poems anout regrets in things
  349. my life is at stake
    poems a reaction to events
  350. life's turn
    poems a synapsis of life
  351. how are you?
    poems a poem in a message
  352. hatred
    poems an emotional outburst
  353. good night
    poems wishing good night
  354. hate me
    poems an emotional outburst
  355. time has stung me
    poems an emotional outburst
  356. good morning
    poems a poem wishing good morning
  357. girl
    poems a random poem about a girl
  358. exaltation
    poems a feeling of exaltation
  359. education system
    poems a rant on the education system
  360. deep dark night
    poems mounting will against the night
  361. declaration
    poems telling that I like someone
  362. bored
  363. betrayal
    poems betrayal
  364. a tear
    poems a tear
  365. a lucky friend
    poems a lucky friend
  366. a lonely heart
    poems a lonely heart
  367. 1+1=11
    poems A take on how politics is adding 1+1 to get 11
  368. waiting for her
    poems waiting for someone
  369. About a girl
    poems describing a personal story